Saturday, November 10, 2012

Tips For Aluminium Die Casting

Aluminum die casting is a manufacturing process in which molten aluminum metal is injected, under pressure, into a hardened steel die or also called mold. Aluminum can be cast by any process of metal casting. It is melting point is low compared to other metals and you can choose to cast aluminum at home. It can be done by die casting, permanent mold casting, sand casting, plaster casting, investment casting or continuous casting. Whichever process you choose, you have to follow a certain order and pay extra attention on safety issues.

If your objective is to liquefy and thrown steel, you need a foundry to do it. To develop it, use available products that you will see in a industry or specialized shop. You will execute only easy steel launching, so you do not need a professional foundry. You can even develop it of old trash. Make the foundry by burrowing an opening in your garden, making a shoot and using billows to fan it. Use a thermostatically managed electrical warm with electrical coordinator and gantry for going the crucible.

Make the mold

To result in the form, first you have to generate a design. When it is prepared, you have to choose which strategy to use in developing the form. You can do it often, but using memory space-age foam or wax are the most typical methods. You can choose to click the design you created into a box which is packed with natural sand. When you eliminate it, you will have the mark. Next you need to add the form content in this mark and put it in a heater.

Melt the Aluminum

In obtain to liquefy the steel, you need the crucible and a heater. When you put the crucible in the heater, it will gather the dissolved aluminum, which will be added into the style. Make your own crucible, but it has to be of a content that can fight incredibly hot conditions. There are also retail created crucibles that you can buy. They are usually created of graphite or plastic carbide.

Safety Measurements

There are certain resources that allow the crucible to be properly put from the heater and dissolved steel to be added into the form. These resources change from crucible to crucible. Crucibles are not used to last for a long time, so secure yourself while reducing steel. Protection mitts, footwear and bluejeans are necessary if you are organizing to thrown steel. Never touching a operating crucible even if you are dressed in heat-resistant mitts. 

Endurance is one of the best alluminium die casting company to manufacture aluminium die casting products for automotive market using new technology and models. Our products provides following benefits -

Cost saving
Long life
Less wear of the chamber
Breaking down of the exchanging time.

About Precision Metal Stamping

Precision metal stamping sounds like a difficult process to describe. The main goal of this article is to simplify the intricate details of this process. The topics of this article will include describing what precision metal stamping is and how it works, the types of materials used for the stampings, what types of equipment is involved in the process, the five main techniques used to create the stamping impressions and what types of products can be created using precision metal stamping. 

The definition of precision metal stamping is simply the process of creating lettering, three-dimensional parts and other surface definitions onto metal surfaces. The stamping works by using extreme pressure to force various forms and dies onto the metal materials. When the stamp is removed, the lettering, forms and dies are immutably engraved onto the metal. Stamping can be performed on a number of different materials (such as cement or plastic) however; the most ordinary stamping material is metal. Some of the more common types of metal that receive stampings include copper, aluminum, steel, titanium and alloys. 

There are numerous types of equipment used in precision metal stamping varying from a simple manual press to a more engineered and computerized die processor. Some of the more complicated processors involve multiple stages of pressing throughout the fabrication of the item. Some of the more engineered models can stamp with speeds up to an impressive 1,200 strokes every 60-seconds. The size of the equipment may be as large as 600 tons. 

There are five main techniques used in precision metal stamping. These techniques include fourslide and multislide stamping, deep drawing, fine blanking and wireforming. The fourslide and multislide stamping both incorporate horizontal die presses from numerous directions, either synchronously or consecutively. The result of this stamping technique is impressions on many (or all sides) of the metal material. The deep drawing technique is used to create impressions of depth using a punch. Usually the depth is in excess of the width (for example, a cup created from a piece of flat metal). The fine blanking technique involves the metal material being sheared smoothly throughout the entire depth of the material. The wireforming technique stamps metal into wire" shapes, such as springs, clips, rings or specialty pins. There are other techniques used, but these five are the most common that manufacturers use to produce metal stamping products. 

In metal stamping development, stamping process planning plays quite an important role for the related die design. As mentioned in Part-I [Feature-based metal stamping part and process design. Part 1: stampability evaluation, 2007, 45, 2673-2695], the feature can encapsulate comprehensive engineering information; this paper proposes to realize stamping process planning based on feature mapping. A feature mapping system, between a stamping design feature space and a stamping process feature space, has been presented. 

The inherent mechanism of such feature mapping has been investigated with formal representations. The substance of feature mapping is the processing of related knowledge and information. Mapping rules are established to generate the stamping operation and stamping direction. Four mapping manners (direct mapping, conjugate mapping, syncretic mapping, and sequential mapping) are presented for generating the form of process feature, through geometrical information transformation from design features. Meanwhile, considering a stamping process plan as an ordered tree, this paper has introduced how to build a stamping process plan through organizing the stamping operations mapped from design features, and an illustrative example is demonstrated. 

The final product of precision metal stamping can be something as simple as a clip, spring or metal ring. The process of stamping is also used to create more complex items, such as telecommunications and appliances. 

All About Die Cutting Machines

Die cutting machines have a number of applications in the metalworking industry, such as forming, cutting and shaping metals. Using templates, or molds, the die is customized with the final product in mind. There are several traditional varieties of die cutters, including rotary, press, and flat bed die cutting machines, although newer forms have been gaining ground within the industry.

Rotary Die Cutting

Rotary die cutting machines feature a cylindrical anvil and die fabricated from a single piece of tool steel. As material is fed through the machine, a series of quick and accurate cuts modify the metal. The process is best suited for high volume projects or "kiss cutting,” in which punctures must be made through the material without piercing the fabrication liner.

In high volume production, Rotary die cutting machines can increase productivity while reducing

die cutting machine
material waste. The machinery is well-suited for precision cutting at low tolerances and can also be used in conjunction with other processes, such as laminating and coating.

Press Die Cutting

Press die cutting machines range in size from compact personal models to large machine shop versions. They typically feature a cutting die that is raised and lowered upon the forming metal, which is supported by a flat table. The die's cutting action can be controlled by electric, hydraulic, pressurized, or manual sources. Depending upon the application, the die may cut and form a single piece of material or the material may be stacked to produce multiple copies at a time. 

Flatbed Die Cutting

A flatbed cutting machine uses varying degrees of hydraulic pressure to stamp shapes with a steel rule die. These machines are effective for making precision kiss-cuts, butt-cuts, and die-cuts to sheets and laminates.

The benefits of flatbed die cutting include lower tooling costs, greater tolerance on materials over 1/8 inch thickness, and high design flexibility. Flatbed die cutting machines are efficient for low volume orders, projects involving many different 
laser cutting machine
kinds of shapes, or applications in which no material curvature is needed.

Laser Die Cutting

Laser die cutting applies a non-thermal, fully focused beam to force material into custom shapes and sizes. The laser is typically computer-controlled and follows a pre-set CAD generated design, enabling the production of a large volume of uniform parts.

Laser die cutting is valuable for projects requiring accuracy and speed. It is also useful in creating quick initial prototypes and shaping tougher materials that would otherwise be unmanageable. It has a rapid turnaround time, and is well-suited for short run/high volume production.

Water Jet Die Cutting

Water jet die cutters fire highly pressurized streams of water that can move at almost two and a half times the speed of sound. The stream is released through a tiny opening (usually about 0.003 inches in diameter), but is able to cut through a wide variety of material.

Water jet die cutting is a relatively versatile and high precision cold cutting process. Since it uses a non-dulling cutter, maintenance costs are kept low. In addition, it produces few hazardous byproducts.

How Roll Forming Machines Work

Roll forming machines fabricate specific configurations out of long strips of metal, most commonly coiled steel. In most applications, the required cross-section profile of the piece is specifically designed for the machine to bend the metal as necessary. Other than roll forming, these machines perform a number of metalworking duties, including material cutting and roll punching.

Roll forming machines, for the most part, work in a continuous cycle. The material is fed into the machine where it continuously makes its way through the stages of each operation, ending with the completion of a final product.

How Roll Forming Machines Work

A roll forming machine bends metal at room temperature using a number of stations where fixed rollers both guide the metal and make the necessary bends. As the strip of metal travels through the roll forming machine, each set of rollers bend the metal a little more than the previous station of rollers. 

This progressive method of bending metal ensures that the correct cross-sectional configuration is achieved, while maintaining the cross-sectional area of the work piece. Typically operating at speeds between 30 to 600 feet per minute, roll forming machines are a good choice for manufacturing large quantities of parts or very long pieces.

Roll forming machines are also good for creating precise parts that require very little, if any, finishing work. In most cases, depending upon the material being shaped, the end product features an excellent finish and very fine detail.

Roll Forming Machine Line Basics

The basic roll forming machine has a line that can be separated into four major parts. The first part is the entry section, where the material is loaded. The material is usually inserted in sheet form or fed from a continuous coil. The next section, the station rollers, is where the actual roll forming takes place, where the stations are located, and where the metal shapes as it makes its way through the process. Station rollers not only shape the metal, but are the main driving force of the machine.

The next section of a basic roll forming machine is the cut off press, where the metal is cut to a pre-determined length. Due to the speed at which the machine works and the fact that it is a continuously working machine, flying die cut-off techniques are not uncommon. The final section is the exit station, where the finished part exits the machine onto a roller conveyor or table, and is manually moved.

Roll Forming Machine Developments

Today's roll forming machines feature computer-aided tooling designs. By incorporating CAD/CAM systems into the roll forming equation, machines function at their maximum potential. Computer controlled programming provides roll forming machines with an internal "brain" that catches product imperfections, minimizing damage and waste.

In many modern roll forming machines, programmable logic controllers ensure accuracy. This is vital if a part needs multiple holes or needs to be cut to a specific length. The programmable logic controllers tighten tolerance levels and minimize accuracy.

Some roll forming machines also feature laser or TIG welding capabilities. Including this option on the actual machine results in loss of energy efficiency, but removes an entire step in the manufacturing process.

Roll Forming Machine Tolerances

Dimensional variation of a part created through roll forming is based on the type of material used, the roll forming equipment, and the actual application. Tolerances can be influenced by varying metal thickness or width, material springback during production, the quality and wear of the tooling, actual machine condition, and the experience level of the operator.

The Benefits of Roll Forming Machines

Aside from the benefits discussed in the previous section, roll forming machines offer the user some specific advantages. Roll forming machines are energy efficient because they do not expend energy to heat material—the metal shapes at room temperature

Roll forming is also an adjustable process and is applicable to projects of varying time duration. Additionally, roll forming results in a precise, uniform part.

Roll Forming Basics

Roll forming, often called open-section forming, uses successive sets of roller dies to bend a strip of steel progressively until the desired shape is achieved. This process is very similar to traditional tube - and pipe making, but differs in that it can form more complicated sections.

Roll formed sections have an advantage over extrusions of a similar shapes. Roll formed parts are generally much lighter and stronger, having been work hardened in a cold state. Another advantage is that the part can be made having a finish or already painted. Labor is greatly reduced since volume is a major consideration for choosing the roll forming process.

Roll forming lines can be set up with multiple configurations to punch and cut off parts in a continuous operation. For cutting a part to length, the lines can be set up to use a pre-cut die where a single blank runs through the roll mill, or a post-cut die where the profile is cutoff after the roll forming process. Features may be added in a hole, notch, embossment, or shear form by punching in a roll forming line.

Both roll forming and tube and pipe forming involve bending steel with roller dies, with each pair of rolls working the strip progressively until the desired shape is achieved. How roll forming differs is that it lends itself well to prepunching, midpiercing, and postpunching all inline, as well as sweeping before cutoff.

Although the processes are similar and some of the equipment may be the same, there are differences in the design of a roll formed section and the tooling needed and in the layout and setup of the machine.


The process of roll forming is one of the simpler manufacturing processes. It begins with a large spool of metal strips, usually between 1 in. and 20in. in width, and 0.004 in. and 0.125 in. thick. This is held by a device called a dispenser. The metal strip is then unrolled and fed into a machine starting with the stock feeder which is connected to the cutoff attachment. After the cutoff attachment, the metal strip is fed into the forming rolls. These mating die-set rolls are constructed to form the desired shape in stages sequentially by means of various shaped rolls. The layout of these rolls can be flower shaped as mentioned previously, progressive upper/lower rolls, side rolls, or as overhung spindle rolls.

Setting up a roll forming line requires the expertise of a skilled roll form designer and cooperation between the vendor and manufacturer in developing a successful product. But with the right preparation, the transition can be painless. Carefully choosing the proper equipment, skillfully designing the product and tooling, properly training the operators, and adequately maintaining the production line make roll forming easier.

Roll Forming a Tube:

Now let's roll form the same 2-in.-diameter tube with prepunching. The process requires 10 passes before the welding station, because a typical roll former doesn't have idler stands. Tube and pipe mills use idlers between almost every pass to assist in forming the round. These idlers help form the strip, feed the steel into the next pass, and stabilize the section as it goes through the mill. Most roll forming does not require idlers but typically uses many more passes to make a tube. Also, a tube mill may be required to run several hundred feet a minute, but a roll former, especially one with prepunching, can never attain those speeds. With a few exceptions, most roll formers, especially those prepunching steel, run much slower than tube mills.

How To Making Plastic Bottle

Plastic bottle processing is defined by the synthetic resin manufacturing plant polymers made the final plastic products process. The processing method includes plastic pressure, extrusion moling, injection molding, blow molding, calendaring molding and other.

1 .plastic pressure

Plastic pressure mainly for phenolic resin, urea-formaldehyde resin, unsaturated polyester resin and thermosetting plastic injection molding.

2 .extrusion molding

Extrusion molding is the use of extrusion die heating continuous resin through the mold, extrusion of the desired shape of the products method. Extrusion and sometimes in the thermosetting plastic injection molding, and can be used for foam molding. Extrusion can extrude a variety of shapes of products, high production efficiency, and can be automated, continuous production; drawback is not widely adopted the method of thermosetting plastic products processing, easy size deviation.

3. injection molding

Injection molding is the use of injection molding machine thermoplastics melt under high pressure is injected into the mould after cooling, solidification process for obtaining a product. The injection can also be used for thermosetting plastic and foam molding. Injection molding has the advantages of fast speed, high production efficiency, operation can be automated, forming the shape of complex parts, particularly suitable for mass production. Disadvantage is high cost of equipment and tooling, plastic injection molding cleaning is difficult.

4. blow molding

Blow molding is the use of blowing mold with the aid of the pressure of the compressed air so that the closure in the mold of hot resin parison is a method of hollow products, blow molding including blown film and hollow blow molding products of two kinds of methods. By a blow moulding method can produce film products, all kinds of bottles, cans, pots containers and toys for children.

5 .calender molding

Rolling is the resin and various additives by expected after treatment through rolling machine two or more steering opposite calendering roll gap is processed into a film or sheet, then from the rolling mill roller and stripped down, after cooling and shaping a molding method. Calendering is mainly used in PVC resin molding method, can make the film, sheet, plate, artificial leather, floor tiles and other products.

6. calendering

Foamed material adding foaming agent, the plastic to produce a microporous structure process. Almost all of the thermosetting and thermoplastic plastics can be made of foam. According to the pore structure is divided into open pore foam and closed-cell foam, which is mainly composed of manufacturing method of decision.

Plastic bottle processing in the first is bottle design. Plastic bottle manufacturing is completed using a filling machine, inject the liquid inside, then you can get the finished product packaging.

The Basic Facts Of Insert Molding

The labels, colors, displays and other elements of the film are no longer subject to the wear process from touching, cleaning or activating (pressing buttons, etc.), all thanks to insert molding. In general, when it dissimilar materials, the insert should offer some means of mechanical retention such as a sandblasted, flared, or knurled surface. However, if a film on which such a hard coat layer is formed is used for insert molding, cracks may be generated on the hard coat surface. Since surfaces of molded articles generally have a curved surface or angles, it is hard to avoid generation of cracks. 

Specialize in a wild range of Plastic injection moldings, die casting injections, auto parts, Plastic insert molding supplied by Chinese manufacturers with the most competitive prices and superb quality. Listings will lead you right to crucial data such as company brief introduction business type, main products, target market, contact information, certifications and more. Since deploying DENSO robots in its workcells, MIE has seen dramatic improvements in quality, increases in volume and a reduction of PPM defects by more than 150 percent. There are a reduced number of failure modes and a more consistent molding cycle. 

Current capabilities include plastic insert molding, fineblanking up to 630 tons, and Precision Metal stamping up to 600 tons. Principal also manufactures screw machine components including pins, bushing, and shafts for assemblies.

Suitable pins, like the one shown at 27, are provided on armature 24 for maintaining it in a stable position in a mold (not shown) during the insert molding operation. As is known to those skilled in the art, the top of pin 27 is just barely covered with the encasing material. Lawton Machinery has applied more than 70 years of building molding equipment to design an injection, insert molding machine specifically for the efficient production of quality medical devices. This method prevents weight excess and shrinkage of the movable ranges caused by attaching the cover and allows complicated shape of the cover, but has three major problems to be solved. 

Rebling Plastics uses both vertical clamp and shuttle type plastic injection molding presses for insert molding applications and has experience overmolding circuit boards, wires and harness assemblies, as well as connectors. Most work performed within the Molding Department involves the insert molding of Luer Hubs onto either needles or catheters. Due to an ever-increasing demand for such services, this department which utilizes state-of-the-art machines and material handling equipment is constantly expanding. 

One or more resin materials into the mold to form the insert molding article. The majority of machines are horizontally oriented, but vertical machines are used in some niche applications such, allowing the machine to take advantage of gravity. There are many ways to fasten the tools to the platens, the most common being manual clamps (both halves are bolted to the platens); however hydraulic clamps (chocks are used to hold the tool in place) and magnetic clamps are also used. Other objects of the invention are to provide a method for manufacturing the housing case and a glass die used in the same. 

Three Basic Types Of Flyers

Flyers are basically one of the oldest forms of advertising. It is used by companies to engage and attract the public. According to marketing experts, flyers are recognized as a very effective form of direct marketing. Starting companies usually use flyers as their major promotional tool since it is inexpensive. 

There are different types of flyers according to their purpose and sizes. Here are the three basic types that you can print from the different online printing companies.

Business Flyers

Business flyers, from the name itself are used by companies to promote their products and services. They can also be used for events announcements, trade shows and other promotional events. Business flyers should be eye-catching and informative. They are a very effective form of inviting potential clients to company events and promos.

Club Card Flyers

Party events and special occasions thats what club card party flyers are. They are used by clubs or establishments of any kind to promote events. Club card flyers usually come in as invitations, tickets and souvenirs or giveaways. In printing flyers for your events, you can also add some contact information and make sure its something that draws attention. By this, your place will be promoted as well. Remember to make your club card flyers worth keeping for so that clients will keep coming back. 

Die-Cut Flyers

Die-cut flyers are used by advertisers who are fed up of the usual shapes and sizes in printing their flyers. So if you want something that is extraordinary or custom shapes and sizes for your flyers, some online printing companies offer this kind of flyer printing service.

In designing your flyers, use bright and vibrant colors if you want to get peoples attention. Bring out the message you are trying to convey by adding a few enticing testimonials. Remember that flyers are not business cards so avoid emphasizing your contact information or your name. Instead, focus on what you have to say about the benefits of your products or services.

Some online printing companies already have flyer templates so it will be easy to design. But if you want custom flyers you can also design it on your own and put some personal touch on it. It is also important that you design your flyers with enticing layouts and contents. Furthermore, you can also customize flyers sizes online.

Modifying A Metal Stamping Die To Compensate For Springback

Method for modifying a metal stamping die to compensate for springback includes the steps of metal stamping a first part using a base, or pre-existing die set, and creating a surrogate die having the shape of the first stamped part. These steps are followed by simulated metal stamping of a blank with the surrogate die, where the blank is shaped according to the desired finished part. 

Then, the base die is modified by mapping the forming stresses, from the stamped blank, to an indicator blank, which is allowed to relax and then is employed as a template for modification of the base die. Following this, the accuracy of the newly modified base die is determined by metal stamping a second part in the modified base die and by comparing a number of dimensions of the second part with a number of corresponding dimensions of the desired finished part.

"Springback" is a phenomenon characterized by the regressive movement of stamped materials, particularly metals, following removal of a metal stamping from a press. In general, dies must be constructed to overbend materials, so as to produce finishedparts meeting all required dimensional specifications. Springback compensation presents a major obstacle during metal stamping tool development, especially for lightweight materials such as aluminum and high strength steels. If not properly accommodated,springback may cause the shape of stamped panels or structures to deviate unacceptably from the intended design, rendering the stamped part unusable. As manufacturers of motor vehicles, in particular, move to the use of more aluminum, as well as higherstrength steels, to save vehicle weight, the more pronounced springback tendencies affecting these materials adds as much as six months to the standard tooling development time of a vehicle manufacturer. This timing is incompatible with current marketdemands.

Known practices for compensating for springback primarily employ manual correction through an iterative, or trial-and-error, process. Thus, long years of experience are needed for an engineer to properly predict and correct for springback. Thisitself is a problem because materials such as aluminum and high strength steels have springback characteristics which are significantly different from those of mild steel--the staple material of vehicle bodies for more than one hundred years. Thepresent invention provides a method for tooling design to accommodate shape distortions introduced by springback. Because the method may be completely computer based, it may be applied during early draw die development stages, without the necessity of aphysical prototype.

A method for modifying a metal stamping die includes the steps of metal stamping a first part using a base die, creating a surrogate die having the shape of the first part, and using the surrogate die to simulate metal stamping of a blank which is shaped accordingto the desired finished part. Then, the base die is modified by mapping the forming stresses from an indicator blank which is dimensionally identical to the base die. The indicator blank is allowed to relax and deform, and is then used as a template tomodify the base die. A second part is then stamped with the modified base die and compared with the desired finished part. This comparison includes a plurality of corresponding dimensions from the second part and the desired finished part.

The present method further includes additional steps in the event that the previously described dimensional comparison indicates that the second part is not sufficiently comparable to the desired finished part. These additional steps includesimulating metal stamping of another blank shaped according to the desired finished part, using the surrogate die which has been modified to the shape of the second part, and further modifying the base die by mapping the forming stresses from the restampedblank. Then, a third part will be stamped using the further modified base die, and compared with the desired finished part. This process continues iteratively until the stamped part meets all of the required dimensional criteria of the desired finishedpart.

According to another aspect of the present invention, the first part which is stamped in the base die may be stamped either conceptually in a software simulation, or in a physical, pre-existing die set. Similarly, the surrogate die may becreated as part of a software simulation or as a physical die set. The indicator blank is also contained in software.

It is an advantage of a method according to the present invention that the time required to make changes in metal stamping dies is greatly reduced, and this is particularly so in the case of dies used to form materials such as aluminum and highstrength steels.

Die Casting Machines - Cost Effective Way To Make Wide Range Of Components

About Die Casting Process
Die-casting is the cost effective way of manufacturing wide range of components. In this process molten metals are forced into the mold cavities of the die casting machines. The Die Casting Machines highest volume of casting in the metal casting industry is made in this method.

Design of Die Casting Machine
There are two halves for the die casting machine- the fixed half and ejector. Both the halves are closed tightly by hydraulic pressure during the casting process. After the completion of the casting process the casts are removed through the ejector die half. The surface are of the cast is calculated by the die parting line which is the meeting point of the two parts of the mold.

Nowadays, special casting features like sprues, runners, gates, etc are also fixed to the mould. Before finalizing the design it is essential that the designers consult with the die caster, because that will help in understanding the requirements and the limitation of the die machine.

Advantages of Die Casting 

* Effective in casting complex components with dimensional accuracy
* The process is economical provided proper tooling and casting techniques are employed
* Minimal or no machining required

Types of die casting machines

There are four types of dies:

1. Single cavity to produce one component
2. Multiple cavity to produce a number of identical parts
3. Unit die to produce different parts at one time
4. Combinations die to produce several different parts for an assembly

Types of die casting process

Hot Chamber Machines

Hot chamber machines are used primarily for zinc, copper, magnesium, lead and other low melting point alloys that do not readily attack and erode metal pots, cylinders and plungers. The injection mechanism of a hot chamber machine is immersed in the molten metal bath of a metal holding furnace. The furnace is attached to the machine by a metal feed system called a gooseneck. As the injection cylinder plunger rises, a port in the injection cylinder opens, allowing molten metal to fill the cylinder. As the plunger moves downward it seals the port and forces molten metal through the gooseneck and nozzle into the die cavity. After the metal has solidified in the die cavity, the plunger is withdrawn, the die opens and the casting is ejected.

Cold Chamber Machines

Cold chamber machines are used for alloys such as aluminum and other alloys with high melting points. The molten metal is poured into a cold chamber, or cylindrical sleeve, manually by a hand ladle or by an automatic ladle. A hydraulically operated plunger seals the cold chamber port and forces metal into the locked die at high pressures.

High Integrity Die Casting Methods

There are several variations on the basic process that can be used to produce castings for specific applications. These include Squeeze casting, a method by which molten alloy is cast without turbulence and gas entrapment at high pressure to yield high quality, dense, heat treatable components.


Die castings provide integral fastening elements, such as bosses and studs. Holes can be cored and made to tap drill sizes, or external threads can be cast. The die casting method is especially suited for applications where a large quantity of small to medium sized parts is needed with good detail, a fine surface quality and dimensional consistency.

Trendy T Shirt Design And Embroidery Designing Tools

These days the designs in T-shirt are in very trend which are customized based and it is increasing its popularity day by day. As it is in such great demand in a resultant market reply, the owners of website in bulk have added on the online tool for designing T-shirt design tool in their e-commerce websites and their users can have entirely difference experience. 

The T shirt design Mooresville provides online custom tee shirt applications which offer to you an absolute custom designing ability which is used for creating online artwork on the shirt. This tool is really amazing and this web based online custom design tee shirt tool avail facilities to everyone to customize and personalize shirt by adding artwork which is customized. Another thing is that it will give a new and unique look to the t shirt help which is also an interesting factor. The main positive effect of online designing tools which comes out is that it enhances ones creativity and talent to which they put it on clothes by their designs. Of course with the help of this tool the customized shirts can be put to exhibit with his unique style statement among others. 

There are so many benefits of this tool which could be product management, multiple sides designing option, design management and many more. Besides this Embroidery Statesville is a unique service which can be used in a variety of ways. Basically its a service which is an extremely realistic medium which helps to create graphic designs with the different styles which varies in font, shapes, patterns and color. Embroidery Statesville can be effectively used in logo designs done by embroidery, household designs, and common products available in the market. The highly effective point is that these days the customized materials tool is in great demand these days on which companies rely more than manual designing. Nowadays custom digitizing embroidery is almost now available in most trendy clothing lines of everyone in a category of women, men and children which are easily completed in a very short period of time.

What Is Metal Stamping?

Metal stamping is a process that is used in all types of manufacturing. It is a highly elaborate system using a combination of machine presses and pure craftsmanship. It is performed in rapid succession and involves various techniques for the type of shapes and designs that are being created. Any type of metallic product sold in the marketplace has been shaped and designed through the use of metal stamping. 

Metal stamping is the industrial process of stamping or shaping designs on sheets of metal. A metal sheet alloy is stamped or pressed on a machine using dies and a hydraulic machine to create the designs. 

Some of these designs are used to create familiar, everyday products such as sheet metal machines, car parts, audio/video devices, aerosol spray cans, pots and pans. Uses also include military tanks. 

Types of Metal
Most types of metal are commonly used in metal stamping, though they are generally flexible and can be easily manipulated under the machine process. These metals include aluminum, zinc, steel, nickel, bronze, copper and certain other alloys. The metal is fashioned into sheets of various sizes and thicknesses. Metal presses are designed to shape and design all types of metal sheets regardless of size and thickness.

You can use stamping designs for much more than just scrapbooks and school materials. You can spruce up tired household items, decorate plain clothing and make personalized invitations and greetings cards, to name just a few. There are even various kinds of stamping inks and paints that work better with one material over another. Take a step back and make your own stamps with which to decorate your world. Involve the kids, too, because stamping is easy enough for them to do alone. 

Lampshade Decor
Decorate a lampshade with stamps; the light will shine through them and illuminate your stamped shapes, producing great visual effects. Remove the lampshade from the lamp. Dip foam or rubber stamps into craft paint and press them firmly onto the lampshade with a smooth surface. Carefully rock the stamps back and forth to apply the paint around curved shades. Allow the paint to dry thoroughly before replacing the shade and turning on the light. 

Stamped Shirt
Use stamps on a tee shirt to create all kinds of designs and write favorite sayings. Dip stamp shapes or letters into fabric paint and press them onto a clean tee shirt. Write something funny, inspiring, cool, thought-provoking--whatever you want. Use "puffy" fabric paint to trace your stamps in 3D when the stamped paint is completely dry. 

Food Stamping
Create your own stamps out of fruits and veggies. Kids have a lot of fun with this and it requires very few materials. Cut an apple in half, dip the inside surface into some craft paint and press it onto paper. All of the seeds and the outline of the apple come through in the stamped image. Try the same process with other fruits and vegetables, like mushrooms, citrus fruits, cucumbers and watermelon, for starters. 

Greeting Cards
Create homemade greeting cards that you decorate with stamps. Use a blank piece of card stock as your card. Fold it in half so that it opens like a traditional greeting card. Press a rubber stamp onto an ink pad and then press it onto the surface of your card. Design the front of the card with stamped letters and shapes; allow the ink to dry. Once the front of the card has dried, do the same with the interior. 

Metal stamping occurs under a process that involves various machine parts working simultaneously. The machine press has two processes: the dies and punches. The die is a metallic tool mounted on the machine's table. It shapes the design that is being stamped onto the sheet of metal. The punch is a carbine or steel tool that is also shaped in the design that is being stamped but is much smaller and capable of clearing space between the die and punch. The carbine is mounted on the head of the press machine and punches designs into the metal in a rapid downward motion. Craftsmen are important in the stamping process to supply precision in the designs. They do this by employing other processes such as jig boring, grinding, electrical discharge machining (EDM) and lapping machines. 

Different techniques are used for specific jobs during metal stamping. This depends on the type of designs that are being punched into the sheet metal. Some of these techniques include deep-drawn stamping, which forms holes in parts of the sheet metal, and progressive die stamping, which rapidly designs small parts on sheets at the same time. 

How Metal Stamping Works

Stamping is a type of metalworking used to form a piece of material into a desired shape or pattern. The process involves a mechanical or hydraulic press and hardened tool steels, which punch metal strips and adapt them to specific requirements.

Metal stamping can be performed using a series of stages or through a single step, where every stroke of the press produces the desired form on the sheet metal part. The process of metal stamping includes a number of operations including piercing, fine blanking, bending, forming, coining, progressive stamping, deep drawing, embossing and extrusion. 

The process begins by mounting hardened tool steels into upper and lower die sets, which are mounted in the press. Via a de-coiler and straightener, the material can be guided into the die set in an automated fashion. Another option involves guiding the material manually, one blank at a time. When the press closes it causes the tool steels to engage the material and change its shape to produce the desired part. This fabricating process competes with roll forming. 

Dies vary in how they operate. One type is a simple "one-hit die" that performs a single operation. Another alternative is a "compound die" which performs multiple operations with one press stroke. A complex progressive die indexes the part from station to station, changing the configuration of the part with each stroke of the press. 

Metal stamping is used for a wide variety of materials, usually ranging from .005" to .250" thick and can be completed in high and low volumes. Metals that are typically stamped include aluminum, brass, copper, steel (galvanized, hot rolled or cold rolled), stainless steel and titanium. Other operations often tie in with metal stamping, such as CNC machining, painting, welding and assembly. 

There are several benefits from using metal stamping. Many presses used for the process are built to ensure repeated accuracy, for even the most demanding jobs. Fitting presses with dedicated coil feeds and straighteners minimizes set-up costs. Combined, these benefits result in cost reduction along with parts that meet tight tolerance requirements.

Some Press Brake Bending Techniques

Press brake bending is simple stuff: An arrow-shaped punch presses a sheet metal blank into a v-shaped die, thereby forming an angled bend. Or maybe, if we are getting adventurous, we could imagine something like a gooseneck punch making return flanges, but that is stretching it as far as it goes, right?

No, not quite. Press brake tooling has come a long way in recent years, and can do a lot more than it used to, and probably a lot more than you think. Some of the more interesting techniques include wiping, rocker dies, 3 way bending and elastomer bending.

A wiping operation consists of more than one movement, unlike simpler shaping methods. A special die set is used, where the bottom die has movable elements. As the punch moves down and executes the first part of the bend, the bottom element receives the blank and is pressed down on its springs. This motion activates an element on the back of the die, which now moves in and executes the second part of the bend. A good example of the application of this technique is the making of a radiused return flange: The blank is pushed down on the first, springloaded element, and the resulting downward motion bends the blank to a right angle with a radius at the bending point. The second element then comes into play and finishes the job by folding the edge of the blank over, creating a return flange in the process.

Rocker dies are essentially simple dies - with a twist: The top die has a built in 1-axis joint, which allows it to enter a bottom die with a partially obscured opening. This makes it possible to form a channel in one pass, even if the flange is very long - something that (depending on the shape of the part)might not be doable in a traditional channel die set. In that case, rocker dies provide the benefit of reduced setup time and fewer operations in order to shape the part.

The term 3 point bending is used about a special type of die set, in which the bottom die has an element which can be adjusted in height by a servo motor. The top die is buffered from the ram with a special hydraulic cushion to compensate for little variations in the thickness of the blank. Together, the two dies make it possible to attain extreme precision in the angles bent - down to 0.25 degrees. This type of tooling is expensive though.

Elastomer bending is especially interesting. Here, the bottom die isn't steel, but a flat piece of synthetic material which serves to wrap the blank around the punch, as it comes down. The resulting bend radius will be very close to the punch radius, as there is little springback. Also, the elastomer pad does not mar or scratch the blank.

Thread Rolling Flat Dies

In the arena of textile industries and manufacturing industries, a high degree of precision and accuracy is required to be maintained. The industrial machines used should be of high quality, precision and specifications. The major machines used are the thread rolling machines that are of different types according to their make and design.

In basic model of thread rolling machines there is a movable die that reciprocates back and forth relative to a stationary die in order to form threads on the shanks of fastener blanks which are fed successively between the dies. Such a machine forms threads on many different types and sizes of blanks. It is thus often changed over at frequent intervals to accommodate different blanks. It involves changing the dies and also the several set up adjustments in order to place the thread forming elements of the dies in proper longitudinal alignment. It is also required for the proper transverse spacing, squeeze angle and taper angle between the dies. Hence there was a need to invent a new and improved technology based machines. Presently, in the modern textile industry the adjustments in these machines are made automatic with fewer errors and the entire die set up adjustments is made to the stationary die. A unique mounting procedure and arrangement of the die carrying members is also available.

In this modern and hi tech era the flat thread rolling dies are made in pairs consisting of one moving die and another stationary die. These are made of D2 material, Mild Steel, High Tensile Steel and Stainless Steel. D2 tool steel is an air hardening, high-carbon, high-chromium tool steel with extremely high wear resisting properties. It is very deep hardening and free from size change after proper treatment. This high chromium content gives it mild corrosion resisting properties in the hardened condition. These dies are of two types viz duplex type and simplex type. The former is provided with threads on both sides. When one side is worn out, the other side can be used. While the latter one is provided with threads of fine pitch on single side only & can be used on fast moving machines.
Thread Rolling of all type of Automotive, Industrial, Structural and General purpose types follow this same technology. Dies of thread rolling machines of make SASPI, WATERBURY FARREL, NKW, NISSAI, Ingram tic etc are made as per the requirement and the given specification of the job work. Dies are also made for Bolt makers machines. Flat Dies are manufactured on the latest CNC machines maintaining the dimensional accuracies.

A wide range of thread rolling Flat dies, gimlet point dies, taper point and knurling dies.
are available for "AB", "A" Type self tapping screws, such as wood screw, high-low screw, chipboard screw, drywall screw, and lag bolts etc. In every part of manufacturing and an in-house heat-treatment process, a high degree of quality is assured by stringent quality checks.