Saturday, January 9, 2010

Die (manufacturing)

A die is a specialized tool used in manufacturing industries to cut or shape material using a press. Like molds and stencils, dies are generally customized to the item they are used to create. Products made with dies range from simple paper clips to complex pieces used in advanced technology.

Die forming

Forming dies are typically made by tool and die makers and put into production after mounting into a press. The die is a metal block that is used for forming materials like sheet metal and plastic. For the vacuum forming of plastic sheet only a single form is used, typically to form transparent plastic containers (called blister packs) for merchandise. Vacuum forming is considered a simple molding thermoforming process but uses the same principles as die forming. For the forming of sheet metal, such as automobile body parts, two parts may be used, one, called the punch, performs the stretching, bending, and/or blanking operation, while another part, called the die block, securely clamps the workpiece and provides similar, stretching, bending, and/or blanking operation. The workpiece may pass through several stages using different tools or operations to obtain the final form. In the case of an automotive component there will usually be a shearing operation after the main forming is done and then additional crimping or rolling operations to ensure that all sharp edges are hidden and to add rigidity to the panel.

Die components

* Die block
* Punch plate
* Blank punch
* Pierce punch
* Stripper plate
* Pilot
* Dowel Pin
* Back gage
* Finger stop

Die operations and types

Die operations are often named after the specific type of die that performs the operation. For example a bending operation is performed by a bending die. Operations are not limited to one specific die as some dies may incorporate multiple operation types...

* Bending: The bending operation is the act of bending blanks at a predetermined angle. An example would be an "L" bracket which is a straight piece of metal bent at a 90° angle. The main difference between a forming operation and a bending operation is the bending operation creates a straight line bend (such as a corner in a box) as where a form operation may create a curved bend (such as the bottom of a drinks can).
* Blanking: A blanking die produces a flat piece of material by cutting the desired shape in one operation. The finish part is referred to as a blank. Generally a blanking die may only cut the outside contour of a part, often used for parts with no internal features.

Three benefits to die blanking are:

1. Accuracy. A properly sharpened die, with the correct amount of clearance between the punch and die, will produce a part that holds close dimensional tolerances in relationship to the parts edges.
2. Appearance. Since the part is blanked in one operation, the finish edges of the part produces a uniform appearance as opposed to varying degrees of burnishing from multiple operations.
3. Flatness. Due to the even compression of the blanking process, the end result is a flat part that may retain a specific level of flatness for additional manufacturing operations.
* Broaching: The process of removing material through the use of multiple cutting teeth, with each tooth cutting behind the other. A broaching die is often used to remove material from parts that are too thick for shaving.
* Bulging: A bulging die expands the closed end of tube through the use of two types of bulging dies. Similar to the way a chefs hat bulges out at the top from the cylindrical band around the chefs head.

1. Bulging fluid dies: Uses water or oil as a vehicle to expand the part.
2. Bulging rubber dies: Uses a rubber pad or block under pressure to move the wall of a workpiece.

* Coining: is similar to forming with the main difference being that a coining die may form completely different features on either face of the blank, these features being transferred from the face of the punch or die respectively. The coining die and punch flow the metal by squeezing the blank within a confined area, instead of bending the blank. For example: an Olympic medal that was formed from a coining die may have a flat surface on the back and a raised feature on the front. If the medal was formed (or embossed), the surface on the back would be the reverse image of the front.
* Compound operations: Compound dies perform multiple operations on the part. The compound operation is the act of implementing more than one operation during the press cycle.
* Compound die: A type of die that has the die block (matrix) mounted on a punch plate with perforators in the upper die with the inner punch mounted in the lower die set. An inverted type of blanking die that punches upwards, leaving the part sitting on the lower punch (after being shed from the upper matrix on the press return stroke) instead of blanking the part through. A compound die allows the cutting of internal and external part features on a single press stroke.
* Curling: The curling operation is used to roll the material into a curved shape. A door hinge is an example of a part created by a curling die.
* Cut off: Cut off dies are used to cut off excess material from a finished end of a part or to cut off a predetermined length of material strip for additional operations.
* Drawing: The drawing operation is very similar to the forming operation except that the drawing operation undergoes severe plastic deformation and the material of the part extends around the sides. A metal cup with a detailed feature at the bottom is an example of the difference between formed and drawn. The bottom of the cup was formed while the sides were drawn.
* Extruding: Extruding is the act of severely deforming blanks of metal called slugs into finished parts such as an aluminum I-beam. Extrusion dies use extremely high pressure from the punch to squeeze the metal out into the desired form. The difference between cold forming and extrusion is extruded parts do not take shape of the punch.
* Forming: Forming dies bend the blank along a curved surface. An example of a part that has been formed would be the positive end(+) of a AA battery.
* Cold forming (cold heading): Cold forming is similar to extruding in that it squeezes the blank material but cold forming uses the punch and the die to create the desired form, extruding does not.
Roll forming:is a continuous bending operation in which sheet or strip metal is gradually formed in tandem sets of rollers until the desired cross-sectional configuration is obtained. Roll forming is ideal for producing parts with long lengths or in large quantities.
# Horning: A horning die provides an arbor or horn which the parts are place for secondary operations.
# Hydroforming: Forming of tubular part from simpler tubes with high water pressure.
# Pancake die: A Pancake die is a simple type of manufacturing die that performs blanking and/or piercing. While many dies perform complex procedures simultaneously, a pancake die may only perform one simple procedure with the finished product being removed by hand.
# Piercing: The piercing operation is used to pierce holes in stampings.
# Progressive die: Progressive dies provide different stations for operations to be performed. A common practice is to move the material through the die so it is progressively modified at each station until the final operation ejects a finished part.
# Shaving: The shaving operation removes a small amount of material from the edges of the part to improve the edges finish or part accuracy. (Compare to Trimming).
# Side cam die: Side cams transform vertical motion from the press ram into horizontal or angular motion.
# Sub press operation: Sub-press dies blank and/or form small watch, clock, and instrument parts.
# Swaging: Swaging (necking) is the process of "necking down" a feature on a part. Swaging is the opposite of bulging as it reduces the size of the part. The end of a shell casing that captures the bullet is an example of swaging.
# Trimming: Trimming dies cut away excess or unwanted irregular features from a part, they are usually the last operation performed.

Thread cutting
Another device also called a die is a nut-like thread cutting device for making screw threads on rod stock. This device may also be used to restore damaged threads - a method called chasing. (Other methods are generally used to produce machine screws and small bolts in quantity — they are formed by a process called rolling.)

For high production a die head may be used. Its operation is very similar but does not require "unthreading" at the end of the cut. The head's construction permits the die head to expand at the required length of thread, disengaging the chasers (cutting tips) and permitting the tools retraction without interfering with the work pieces rotation. Die heads are available and are commonly used for both cut threads and rolled threads. A popular machine that regularly uses a die head is a screw machine.

Products created by forming dies

Metal spoon, fork, and knives
  • Aluminum cans
  • Car fender, bumper, door, hood, piston, rods, and frame
  • Clothing zipper and buttons
Wire pulling

Wire-making dies have a hole through the middle of them. A wire or rod of Steel, copper, or other metals or alloy, enters into one side and is lubricated and reduced in size. The leading tip of the wire is usually pointed in the process. The tip of the wire is then guided into the die and rolled onto a block on the opposite side. The block provides the power to pull the wire through the die.

The die is divided into several different sections. First is an entrance angle that guides the wire into the die. Next is the approach angle which brings the wire to the nib which facilitates the reduction. Next is the bearing and the back relief. Lubrication is added at the entrance angle. The lube can be in powdered soap form. If the lubricant is soap, the friction of the drawing of wire heats the soap to liquid form and coats the wire. The wire should never actually come in contact with the die. A thin coat of lubricant should prevent the metal to metal contact.

For pulling a substantial rod down to a fine wire a series of several dies is used to obtain progressive reduction of diameter in stages.

Standard wire gauges used to refer to the number of dies through which the wire had been pulled. Thus, a higher-numbered wire gauge meant a thinner wire. Typical telephone wires were 22-gauge, while main power cables might be 3- or 4-gauge.

Tool design tips=Design and Construction Tips

Tool design strategies and methods constantly are evolving. Although there are a variety of approaches, the following methods seem to produce the best results at a minimal cost:

1. Part orientation—Parts that will be coated should be placed with the largest surface facing up, which eliminates or reduces the possibility that tooling components will drag across or come into contact with the main surface. For example, parts such as computer covers that require cosmetic stamping can be positioned to eliminate contact marks on critical surfaces from die lifters and rails. Otherwise, lifters will create longitudinal marks, visible through paint, along the entire surface of the part during the progressive feed cycle.

2. Lifters or rails—Particularly vulnerable parts can benefit if the plunger-type lifter or lifting rail design uses a material such as Delron®, a substance similar to hard nylon. Such materials are less likely to mar the surface of parts. A protective contact surface can be helpful when, for example, part specifications such as burr direction require the main surface of the part to be face down.

Delron can be used just at the steel lifter’s contact points, or the entire unit can be made of it. A lifter made entirely of Delron, with a steel retention washer, will not damage the die if it comes out of the tool during operation. The lifter will be crushed with minimal effect on the tool.

3. Hole locations—Wherever possible, through-holes, such as stripper bolts or screw holes, should be avoided in critical areas. Given the size and complexity of today's progressive tooling, strippers usually employ extreme amounts of pressure. This pressure is translated onto the part, and burnishing may occur at the construction holes.

4. Stripper plate and die steel sections—These components should be sectioned along areas of scrap or in noncritical areas of the part. If stripper plates are sectioned in critical areas, a kink or burnishing might occur. This common defect is difficult to detect in an uncoated part, but it becomes strikingly clear after coating.

5. Hardened stripper inserts—Tooling components such as stripper plates and die blocks are becoming increasingly large. With the addition of CNC machining and huge wire electrical discharge machining (EDM), there are few reasons to create a tool of small die sections. This can result in stripper surfaces that are 30 by 60 inches or larger.

Common causes of stamping imperfections are nicks, dings, and slug marks in the plates' faces. To keep costs low and performance high, stripper faces should be inserted with a 1¼4-inch-thick plate. The stripper can be made of any machine steel, but it should have the durability of hardened metal to ensure a clean, smooth contact surface.

6. Direction of surface grinding—In finish surface grinding (the final phase of tool construction), the direction of the grind is important. Plates, blocks, and inserts always should be ground in the same direction of the grain of the raw material used in the die. With a progressive die, plates and blocks should be finish-ground left to right, allowing imperfections in the grinding to be camouflaged by the material grain.

Attention to grind direction is especially critical if the tooling is being bottomed for flatness or coining. If the grinding is perpendicular to the grain marks of the material, it is almost certain to be detected after coating. Tool designers should, therefore, specify grind direction and surface root mean source (RMS) average (a measurement of surface finish).

7. Rocker forming—Rocker forming has been around for many years and is a helpful method for forming precoated or surface-critical products. One of its drawbacks, though, is that often it leaves a strike or bite mark where the rocker contacts the steel and subsequently pivots.

Designers can overcome this problem by designing a stripper plate to cover the entire form up to the bend line. In this design, the stripper is machined down to 1/4 inch thick and 3/4 inch back from the form, and the rocker is mounted above it. The machined step, instead of the rocker, becomes the contact point, and the rocker performance is not affected.


The field of Tool Engineering takes participation in the refinement of product design and the design of machinery and also machine tools gauges etc.
Industries utilize millions of men,production tools,machines,processes,material handling devices, buildings,other related facilities and millions of rupees in order to shape and produce materials to meet the needs of mankind.

The competitive system forces a methodical selection and utilization of the factors of production in the manufacture of high quality products of low cost.
The many alternative processes available to change the size and shape of materials require complementary tooling. Ingenuity is required in the design of this tooling to facilitate scheduled and economic machining, casting, joining and press working of the many Engineering materials. The field of tool and manufacturing engineering encompasses a wide variety of industries.It is concerned with the manufacture of airplanes, food handling equipments, glassware,refrigerators, communication equipments, textiles,electronic equipments, sewing machines, sporting goods, automobiles,machine tools, furniture, packaging equipments, missiles, farm equipments, space capsules, stores and soon.

The field of tool and manufacturing is a necessary function in unit or high volume production and in large or small enterprises. The tool and manufacturing engineer articulates in an environment which requires a through understanding of scientific and engineering principles.The tool manufacturing engineers must understand the broad manufacturing aspects of the industry in which he is employed and he must also be able to design specific production tooling.

Today many Engineering courses are available for studying such as Mechanical Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Textile Engineering, Civil Engineering,Automobile Engineering, Aeronautical Engineering, Marine Engineering etc..
Tool Engineering is one of part of the Mechanical Engineering. It is a Diploma course.It is very valuable and useful course. This course is available in Government and Private polytechnic colleges.

After completion of this courses, students have a good job. And also they have opportunities in foreign countries. Some others to start own industries. After completion of this course students are positioning for the following jobs in different industries.Tool and Die maker post, Supervisor, Quality control department, Tool Room Manager, Production Manager, Tool designer etc..
In Tool Engineering course, students have known Tool manufacturing processes and Tool designing principles. And also have knowledge on machines such as Lathe, Milling machine,Grinding machine, shaping and planner machine, Drilling machine, power hack saw cutting machine and some CNC machines.
Educational Qualification: 10th standard with good percentage of marks.


Metal forming is a process of forming the metal into the required shape. In this process no chips removed from the metal. The metal is formed into shape by applying force on the metal.

A press working operation, generally completed by a single application of pressure often results in the production of a finished part in less than one second. Press working forces are setup, guided and controlled in a machine referred to as PRESS. Metal is formed in two different stages such as 1.Cold working 2.Hot working.

Cold working
In this process metal is formed in the cold condition. In cold working the metal is pressed or cut, to get the required shape. The metal is stretched beyond its elastic limit.cold working can be done only on ductile metals. The machine used for pressing the metal in cold working is called a "cold forming press".
Hot working:
In this process metal can also be formed in hot condition. Here the metal is heated to a temperature, so that recrystalysation takes place. At this hot condition the metal is pressed to get the required shape. The machine used for pressing the metal in hot working is called "hot working press"

The tool which is used on press machines with punch and die is known as press tool.Punch is the male part of the tool, which is fastened to the ram and forced into the die.Die is the female part of the tool,which is rigidly held on the bed of the press machine.Die has an opening in perfect alignment with the punch.

Types of Dies:
1.Based on the operations
1.Shearing, 2.Blanking, 3.Piercing, 4.Punching, 5.Cutting off, 6.Parting off, 7.Notching, 8.Slitting, 9.Lancing, 10.Bending (angle bending and edge bending), 11.Curling,
12.Forming, 13.Drawing or cupping, 14.Plunging, 15.Squeezing, 16.Coining, 17.Embossing,
18.Deep drawing, 19.Flatening or planishing, 20.Trimming.
2.Based on construction
1.Simple die, 2.Progressive die, 3.Compound die, 4.Combination die, 5.Inverted die.


The cutting of sheet metal in press work is a shearing process.The punch and die have same shape of the part.The sheet metal is held between punch and die.The punch moves down and presses the metal into the opening of the die.

There is a gap between the punch and die opening.This is called as “Clearance”. The amount of clearance depends upon the type and thickness of the material. The punch touches the metal and travels downward. The material is subjected to both tensile and compressive stresses. By this pressure, the metal is deformed plastically.

The plastic deformation takes place in small area between punch and die cutting edges. So the metal in this area is highly stressed. When the stress exceeds the ultimate strength of the material,fracture takes place. The cutting edge of the punch starts the fracture,in the metal from the bottom.The cutting edge of the die starts the fracture from the top. These fractures meet at center of the plate. As the punch continuous tomove down, the metal under the die is completely cutoff from the sheet metal. The cut out portion of the metal drops down through the die opening.To make the metal to drop down freely,a die relief is given in the die block. If the clearance is too large or too small cracks do not meet and a ragged edge results due to the material being dragged and torn through the die.

What is Die Cutting?

Die cutting is a manufacturing process used to generate large numbers of the same shape from a material such as wood, plastic, metal, or fabric. The die cut shapes are sometimes called “blanks,” because they are usually finished and decorated before being sold. The process is widely used on an assortment of materials all over the world, and many manufactured products contain several die cut components, often assembled together in a series of steps to create a finished product.

Sharp specially shaped blades are used in die cutting. The blade is bent into the desired shape and mounted to a strong backing. The result is known as a die. The material being cut is placed on a flat surface with a supportive backing, and the die is pressed onto the material to cut it. Depending on what is being made, a single die might cut one piece of material, or it might be designed to slice through multiple layers, generating a stack of blanks.

Many consumers find it helpful to consider a cookie cutter when thinking about die cutting. The cookie cutter is a type of die which is capable of cutting out a potentially infinite amount of blanks. Each blank will be exactly the same shape and size, meaning that the blanks can be cooked uniformly together and decorated at will for individuality. The alternative is cutting out each cookie by hand, a painstaking process which would result in irregular final products.

Creating dies is meticulous work. The die must be designed so that it efficiently cuts the desired material with minimal waste. Most factories which use die cutting as part of their manufacturing process have techniques for recycling material left over from die cutting, but they want to avoid excess if possible. Often, multiple dies are fitted together on one mount, nestled with each other for maximum efficiency. Material left over from the die cutting process may be melted down and reused, or reworked into other components.

Common examples of die cut items include keys, paper products, and flat plastic pieces which can be snapped together. Die cutting is limited, because it can only really be used to produce flat objects. For more dimensional shapes, other manufacturing techniques such as molds need to employed. Dies can also range widely in size from cookie cutters to massive machines designed to cut out ship components. With large dies, it is important to observe safety precautions while die cutting, as an industrial die designed to slice through metal can also remove a limb without difficulty.

Tool and die maker

Tool and die makers are highly skilled workers in the manufacturing industry. Tool and die makers make jigs, fixtures, dies, molds, machine tools, cutting tools , gauges, and other tools used in manufacturing processes.Depending on which area of concentration a particular person works in, he or she may be called by variations on the name, including tool maker (toolmaker), die maker (diemaker), mold maker (moldmaker), tool fitter (toolfitter), etc.

Die makers are skilled craftspeople who typically learn their trade through a combination of academic course-work, hands-on instruction and a substantial apprentice period.

Job description

Traditionally, working from engineering drawings, tool makers marked out the design on the raw material , then cut it to size and shape using manually controlled machine tools and hand tools . Many tool makers now use computer-aided design , computer-aided manufacturing and CNC machine tools to perform these tasks.

Tool making

Tool making typically make tooling used to produce products. Common tools include metal forming rolls, lathe bits, milling cutters, and form tools. Tool making may also include precision fixturing or machine tools used to manufacture, hold, or test products during their fabrication. Due to the unique nature of a tool maker's work, it is often necessary to fabricate custom tools or modify standard tools.

Die making

Die making is a subgenre of tool making that focuses on making and maintaining dies. This often includes making punches, dies, steel rule dies, and die sets. Precision is key in die making; punches and dies must maintain proper clearance to produce parts accurately, and it is often necessary to have die sets machined with tolerances of less than one thousandth of an inch.


One person may be called upon for all of the above activities, and the skills and concepts involved overlap, which is why "tool and die making" is often viewed as one field.


Although the details of training programs vary, many tool and die makers begin an apprenticeship with an employer, possibly including a mix of classroom training and hands-on experience. Some prior qualifications in mathematics, science, engineering or design and technology can be valuable. Many tool and die makers attend a 4- to 5-year apprenticeship program to achieve the status of a journeyman tool and die maker. Today's employment relationships often differ in name and detail from the traditional arrangement of an apprenticeship, and the terms "apprentice" and "journeyman" are not always used, but the idea of a period of years of on-the-job training leading to mastery of the field still applies.

Job outlook

Employment of tool and die makers is expected to decline in some countries due to increased use of automation, including CNC machine tools and computer-aided design,computer-aided manufacturing. On the other hand, tool and die makers play a key role in building and maintaining advanced automated manufacturing equipment.

Jig maker

A jig maker is another term for a tool and die maker or fixture maker, usually in woodworking or in the metal industries. Actually a jig is what mounts onto a work piece, and a fixture has the work piece placed on it, into, or next to it. The terms are used interchangeably though throughout industry. A jig maker needs to know how to use an assortment of machines to build devices used in automation, robotics, welding, tapping, and mass production operations.

They are often advised by an engineer to do the pre- planned work of building the much needed devices. In a production shop they need to know about an extensive assortment of machines, tools, and materials, and are often the most experienced toolmakers or woodworkers. They are often the ones who create from the original plans, the jigs, the fixtures and devices designed by and with the occasional assistance of the production engineer.

The reason jig makers need to be experienced is so that they can make suggestions for efficient alterations and needed repairs. They sometimes assist and monitor the progress of the jig or the fixture's gauging, locating, and innovative ability. Those who graduate to the level of jig and fixture makers often go on to gain automation skills, and the use of air, and electronic clamping procedures, and automation principles and equipment. They often need to know not only how to use basic machines to cut and machine steel and wood. For the most advanced, they need to be familiar with switches and the use of air supply equipment, various instruments, switches, hydraulic clamps, gauges, and more.

Properly built jigs and fixtures reduces waste, and produce perfect fitting parts, cutting out too much expensive hand work, mistakes and waste. Most are portable, and can be built or even moved throughout a facility. Some jigs and fixtures are as big as a car for placing a whole fender or chassis into them for assembly. It is how every volume shop works. The need for jigs and good gauging is necessary in furniture making for controlling quality and repeatability. A jig maker focuses on building tools in order to avoid placing parts incorrectly.