Monday, June 21, 2010

Making a Fiberglass Mould tips

Fiberglass moulds are commonly used to make multiple copies of a part which may have a complex shape. Some of the advantages of using a fiberglass mould are: they are easy to make, the materials are inexpensive, and they will last for many years and can be used to produce hundreds of parts. The process starts with a pattern that you wish to copy. In this case, has started with a vacuum formed cowl from a model kit. This is a common part that any modeler may want to copy in fiberglass. The pattern could also be shaped from balsa or foam and finished to achieve a glossy surface.

Plug preparation

To make a mould, a plug is needed. A plug is the exact shape and dimension that the final part will be. Many times, a replica is being made of an existing part, such as a bumper for a car or a canoe. Other times, modeling clay, wood, or sheet metal is formed into the final shape. If the plug is porous, such as wood, plaster, it will need to be sealed first with lacquer or resin. The plug should be buffed and sealed with products such as PR-301 and PR-311. A coat of mould release will need to be applied. Five coats is a good number to make sure it is well coated, each time buffing afterwards. Three coats should be applied if you want the best possible release. Spraying with a fine paint sprayer works the best. The first coat should be a ‘mist’ coat and the following 2 coats a bit thicker.


Tooling gelcoat is used to give the mould surface a strong, scratch resistant surface. Tooling gelcoat comes in black or orange to be able to tell the difference between the part and mould. Spray (recommended) a thick layer of gelcoat on the plug. The layer should be between 15 and 20 mils. Allow to cure for 2 to 4 hours, or until the gelcoat can not be scratched with your fingernail, but still tacky.

Fiber glassing

A layer of 1 oz Chopped Strand Mat should be layed down as the first layer. General Purpose Polyester resin is commonly used as the resin. The resin should be mixed with 1% to 2% MEKP. Wet the mat out with a brush or spreader. Work the resin in with bristle roller. Afterwards, use a aluminum roller to force out all the air. When it is done, there should be no white fibers or air pockets visible. Allow the resin to cure. When the resin is hard, but still tacky, it is time to put the next layer on. Never cure multiple layers at one time because this may cause warping, especially in large moulds. Add additional layers of mat and/or cloth to give the mould strength. An additional 3 layers of 1.5 oz mat is usually sufficient, depending on the application. Be sure to allow adequate curing time between layers.

Removing the Plug

Allow 2 or 3 days for the mould to cure completely. Use a plastic wedge or sharpened paint stirrer (never use hard or metal tools) to slide between the mould and plug. Separate the entire edge of the mould from the plug. You should be able to remove the plug from the mould.

It is time now to prepare the mould for use. Most times, the mould will need to be sanded and polished.

The Cnc Milling Process

CNC milling finds application making a wide range of custom parts. CNC milling is a cutting process in which material is removed from a block metal or plastic by a rotating tool. In CNC milling the cutting tool (called a “mill”) is moved in all three dimensions to cut a desired shape from stock.

In this process, the material is usually removed by both the end and the side of the cutting tool. Unlike a drill which removes material only from the end, in CNC milling the cutting tool rotates about an axis that is perpendicular to the table that holds the work. Cutting tools of various profile shapes are available including square, rounded, and angled. A wide variety of part shapes and geometries are possible. The most common are the “end mill” which finishes to a flat bottom surface while a “ball mill” has a rounded end.

A wide variety of 2D and 3D shapes are possible in the process. Some of the examples of CNC milling are engine components, custom jigs and mold tooling, complex mechanisms, enclosures, etc.

The thing CNC Milling does especially well is create complex shapes block material. While CNC milling can be used on 2D projects, there are lots of other choices for thin stock. Waterjet cutting and plasma cutting, for example, come to mind. But thick stock, needing metal removed? That’s where CNC milling shines. The CNC Milling process proves to be cost effective for short runs.

CNC machine tools

In a general sense CNC is a contrast to manually controlled tools(via levers, as an example). CNC means that machines are managed by the commands intended for it. CNC commands are encoded on a storage medium. To clarify technical poition of CNC machines it is necessary to add that these equipment are totaly automated, from the first to the last point of technological chain, using computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing programs.

The 1 analogue of CNC machines was made in the 40s years of past century. Years later cnc machines were modified and augmented with PC very quickly and changed abbreviation on CNC (computer numerical controlled).

CNC machines' using for company means costs' cutting with increasing company's incomes. That is why term "proliferation" is used while speaking about CNC application in different kind of industry. But CNC standards were changed rapidly. Sometimes it was done without neccesity. Inspide the 1 of numerous standards became common for most of world manufacturers. Its name is "G" code, developed to Gerber Scientific plotters.

Since occurrence computer numerical controlled tools are always advancement. With a support of logical commands (named parametric programming).
What is an advantage of CNC machines application? It cuts down expenses and increasing company's incomes. Every manufacturer needs these machines, looks for appropriate CNC tools, cnc machines' suppliers in order to optimize technology process.

DIY leather belt

Leather belts are a good craft project for those new to leather crafts. Except for being one of the less complicated craft projects, they also make good presents. Contrary to what you will believe, it is essentially quite simple to make a leather belt.

If you plan to tool or dye the leather, it is ideal to pick a plant leather. This sort is easier to work with than other kinds.

Note the width of the inside of the belt buckle. Measure the waist rim of the individual who will be dressed in the belt. The size will be that of the interior of the belt buckle and the length one foot longer than the waist circumference measurement. To ensure an even cut, employ a straight edge such as yardstick. Many folks like to round the end.

Taking the other end of the belt, fold the leather back 1 inches to make a crease. Line up a slot punch with the middle of the crease.

using a rotary or drive punch, make two rivet holes in. The holes should be inch from each side of the belt. Fold back the belt on the crease and mark where the bolt holes overlap the leather.
use a belt beveller to trim belt edges smooth. Use a leather dye to paint the belt. Bear in mind that the dye in the container may appear clearly different to the finished version. When selecting a dye, Look at finished samples to be certain you are getting the color you would like.

permit dye to dry completely, flexing the leather often in the drying process. Once dry, clean with Neat's foot oil or leather soap soap and buff dry with a clean material.

Insert rivets from the inside of the belt and apply rivet caps employing a rubber mallet.

Put on the Do it yourself leather belt">belt and define where a hole is needed to ensure a close fit. Employ a rotary punch to punch a hole that is targeted from the perimeters of the belt. Working from this punched hole, punch a series of holes 1 inch apart.