Wednesday, February 8, 2012

How to Cut Fiberglass

Cutting fiberglass isn't difficult, it just takes a little longer in order to ensure safety and precision. Batts of fiberglass are thick and fuzzy and can cause skin irritation if your skin isn't protected. Fiberglass panels are cured hard. These panels require diamond blades and power saws. Wear appropriate clothing and safety gear, follow a few simple steps, and you too can cut fiberglass neat and clean every time.

Lay the fiberglass insulation on top of a piece of scrap plywood with its foil or kraft-paper vapor barrier facing up. The plywood underneath the fiberglass should be as large, or larger, than the piece you are cutting.

Cut a 2 by 4 piece of lumber at least 12 inches longer than the width of the fiberglass insulation. Place the 2 by 4 across the batt of fiberglass on the line you will be cutting. In other words, the side of the length of the 2 by 4 will be your cut line.

Compress the fiberglass insulation by kneeling on one end of the 2 by 4 and pressing down on the other end with your hand. Using a sharp utility knife, cut through the fiberglass in a single slash. Scissors of course are an option, but not usually recommended.

Use fiberglass power trimmers when cutting fiberglass panels. The 3-inch fiberglass trimmer is light weight and powerful. There are also available 4-inch and 5-inch fiberglass trimmers which produce one horsepower and are highly effective. The sharper the blade the better.

Put masking tape over the surface of the fiberglass panels to prevent chipping when cutting. A jig saw with a fine metal blade is another option for cutting through hard fiberglass.

Cut the fiberglass using a router, a fine bladed hacksaw, a large hole saw or water jet saws. These are just a few different methods for cutting through fiberglass. Which ever method you choose, just be careful, and follow any manufacturers instructions that come with the product or tool.

Custom fiberglass without a mold

Sometimes it's desireable to build something out of fiberglass, without the use of a mold. This is often true in car audio, where you are building a single structure, such as a dashboard, or a speaker box.

Many articles cover building a speakerbox into a stange cove, by fiberglassing into a corner or hole, but what they don't show you how to do, is to build a completely custom object, such as a speakerbox with a curving exterior shape.

There are a few things to decide up front. First, do you want to use fiberglass as the primary structural component, is the fiberglass what you wish to use to hold the majority of the strength? Do you want to simply use the fiberglass to build certain areas that are impossible to build with MDF? Or do you want a fiberglass "piano finish" as your end result?

First, some notes on fiberglass. It will not form clean right angles, no matter how hard you try. Second, if you sand down into the actual fiberglass mat or cloth, it will look like crap. Third, it is very difficult to work with over wildly curving surfaces.

Now, it's important to think about these factors when trying to build something with fiberglass. You need to think about the end result, not how to get there. If you want your structural base to be entirely fiberglass, you have allready made your decision. If you simply want curving lines, then you shouldn't use fiberglass at all. If you want a piano finish, you shouldn't use any mat.

Lets start with the last one, the piano finish. This is usually the goal of most fiberglass work. You can easily paint something to achieve this look, but it requires a bit of skill with a paintgun, and it doesn't give off the deep look a fiberglass finish will, unless you are extremely good with paint. For a piano finish, what you really want to do, is only use the resin. Get some finishing resin, preferrably the stuff used to make surfboards, ultra high gloss. Paint it on to a perfectly smooth surface. This is key, any imperfections in the surface will be magnified by the fiberglass. Mix the fiberglass with a coloring agent, and use alot, to give a very opaque finish. Paint it on thick, and cover everything evenly. If you need to, do a second coat before the first coat loses it's stickyness. I suggest between 3-5 coats. On the final coat, thin the resin with acetone, this will help fill in some of the brush lines.

After curing completely (2-3 days) begin sanding. Progressively sand with increasinjg grains of sandpaper. Start out with a high grain, like 400, and sand the whole surface. As you sand, it will cut down the raised areas, leaving the pits and valleys a very high gloss, making them easily visible. If possible, sand these raised areas down to the lowest points in the pits. You may have to use a coarser paper to achieve this. When sanding, allways attempt to use a random orbital sander, the scratch patterns of other sanders, or hand sanding are not desireable. If you are sanding a cruved surface, use a foam backing pad for your sander, to allow it to cover the curved areas. You can get foam backing pads up to 1" in thickness. This will allow you to do some pretty wild curves.

Once you have the whole area sanded to a consistent dull look and smoothness, you should then work your way back up to the 400 grit paper. Purchase some "Abrasol" pads for your sander. These are foam pads available in grits from 180 to 4000, specifically made for creating ultra-fine finishes. They work best when used with water. Clean the surface of your box with a tack cloth to get all the dust off. Then, using a squirt bottle set on mist, completely soak the box. Use the abrasol pad on your random orbit sander, making sure the pad is allways rotating at a high rate of speed. If it slows down, squirt more water on the area. Constantly sand and squirt. The 180 pad should be used to start (following the 400 grit paper). This will leave a shine to the fiberglass. You should inspect carefully for deep scratches, and work them out with the abrasol pad if at all possible. The abrasol is more of a polisher than a sander, it can remove scratches, but will not cut down into material. When sanding with abrasol, lubrication is the key, so use plenty of water.

Keep working upwards through the pads, constantly checking for scratches from the previous pad. By the time you get up to the 2000 and 4000 grit pads, you should be able to see your own reflection in the fiberglass. Once you have smoothed it all out with the 4000 grit pad, it's time for a trip to the auto store. Pick up some car polish, preferrably the type designed for use with an orbital grinder. Get a polishing pad for your grinder, and polish like mad. Then apply a hand polish per the instructions on the bottle. At this point, your finish should be scratch-free, and mirror-like. If you like, wax this finish, like a car.

Now what if you want to create these wild shapes? First, you need to know what the end result will look like. It helps alot if you have the ability to visualize things like this in your head. If not, perhaps you can draw it, or have someone draw it for you. Then, you need a base to begin construction on. For example, say you wanted to add a few curves to your dashboard. Starting from scratch would be difficult, but it's easy to add on. Start by taking the dashboard, and determining how much material you need to add. Anywhere where you will be raising the surface by more than about 1/2", you should build it up with foam. Get construction grade polyurethane two-part foam. This is available in a spray box, which contains two cans. Do NOT use expanding foam available from the hardware store unless you absolutely have to. Expanding foam leaves huge bubbles in the inside of the foam. Spray the foam over the areas you wish to raise, add more foam than you plan to raise the structure. Allow it to dry, and then shape with a file/kitchen knife/sandpaper. Shape it out to the desired design, and give it a coat of paint. Bondo will eat away at foam, so you are creating a barrier between the foam and bondo. Add about 2-3 coats of paint, to make sure all the micro-holes are filled in.

Now, apply bondo liberally. Shaping as you go with the bondo. With bondo, it's best to work with small amounts at a time, as it cures really fast. Build up thin layers, shaping them with a spatula to get the desired shape and flow of the end product. Once you have built your shape, use a cheeze-grater (a file, that looks remarkably like a cheeze-grater, not an actual grater) to shape the bondo to the desired shape. It's best to work with the bondo while it's hard, but not fully cured, as it will literally work like hard cheeze, allowing you to tkae off alot of material very quickly. Allow it to dry completely, and then sand it down with a 40-60 grit to shape.

Once you have the shape you want, now get a cheap glossy paint. Doesn't matter what color, but black or red work well. Paint the surface. Now, just like in the instructions for the mirror-finish above, you want to sand it down, looking for pits and valleys which will be highlighted by the glossy paint. If you have some pits that are extra deep, you can build them up with a few layers of paint, or add some more bondo. Continue to sand, or alternate painting and sanding, until you have a consistent dull finish. At this point you can do as you like with the box, paint it, vinyl it, or go back up and mirror-finish it.

Now if you want to build an entire structure, free-form from fiberglass, you are in for some fun. You essentially have two ways of doing this. 1) build the bottom, and then the top, or 2) build the whole thing in one go.

If you can build the bottom first, it's a bit easier. but the procedure is the same. Create a template for your fiberglass out of two-part polyurethane foam. Sand and carve this foam to the exact shape you want your item to be. Take great care not to leave any large pits or mis-shapen areas. The upper surface of the foam template will be conveyed through the fiberglass directly. Any deformities will be amplified in the finished product. If you need to, use bondo to reshape slightly.

Once you have the template finished, begin applying fiberglass mat over it. Depending on how strong you want the end structure to be, you will probably need quite a bit of glass. Long thin strips are easier to work with over large curving surfaces, where large pieces are better for flat areas. Use a laminating resin for all work.

Once you have finished building up the fiberglass, you will need to decide how you want to finish the product. If you want to do a piano finish, just start adding the layers of finishing resin right over the final layer of laminating resin. To paint the object, the procuedure will be the same, but you don't need to dye the resin. You will probably need to sand it out just like the other projects above. When using paint as your final coat however, you can use a brush-on paint to make smoothing go much faster. You can simply layer the paint on, and sand through it, which is much easier than sanding down resin to get it perfect.

Once that's done, you need to remove the template fromt he interior of the object. Manually remove as much as you can, scraping and cutting it away. You can use gasoline in tiny amounts to dissolve the foam, and wash it out.

Fibre-reinforced plastic

Fibre-reinforced plastic (FRP) (also fibre-reinforced polymer) is a composite material made of a polymer matrix reinforced with fibres. The fibres are usually glass, carbon, or aramid, while the polymer is usually an epoxy, vinylester or polyester thermosetting plastic. FRPs are commonly used in the aerospace, automotive, marine, and construction industries.

Process definition

A polymer is generally manufactured by polycondensation, polymerization or polyaddition. When combined with various agents to enhance or in any way alter the material properties of polymers the result is referred to as a plastic. Composite plastics refer to those types of plastics that result from bonding two or more homogeneous materials with different material properties to derive a final product with certain desired material and mechanical properties. Fibre reinforced plastics are a category of composite plastics that specifically use fibrous materials to mechanically enhance the strength and elasticity of plastics. The original plastic material without fibre reinforcement is known as the matrix. The matrix is a tough but relatively weak plastic that is reinforced by stronger stiffer reinforcing filaments or fibres. The extent that strength and elasticity are enhanced in a fibre reinforced plastic depends on the mechanical properties of both the fibre and matrix, their volume relative to one another, and the fibre length and orientation within the matrix. Reinforcement of the matrix occurs by definition when the FRP material exhibits increased strength or elasticity relative to the strength and elasticity of the matrix alone.


Global polymer production on the scale present today began in the mid 20th century, when low material and productions costs, new production technologies and new product categories combined to make polymer production economical. The industry finally matured in the late 1970s when world polymer production surpassed that of Steel, making polymers the ubiquitous material that it is today. Fibre reinforced plastics have been a significant aspect of this industry from the beginning. There are three important categories of fibre used in FRP, glass, carbon, and aramid.

The development of fiber reinforced plastic for commercial use was being extensively researched in the 1930's. In the UK considerable research was undertaken by pioneers such as Norman de Bruyne. It was particularly of interest to the aviation industry.

Mass production of glass strands was accidentally discovered in 1932 when a researcher at the Owens-Illinois accidentally directed a jet of compressed air at a stream of molten glass and produced fibers. Owens joined up with the Corning company in 1935 and the method was adapted by Owens Corning to produce its patented "Fiberglas" (one "s"). A suitable resin for combining the "Fiberglas" with a plastic was developed in 1936 by du Pont. The first ancestor of modern polyester resins is Cyanamid's of 1942. Peroxide curing systems were used by then.

Ray Greene of Owens Corning is credited with producing the first composite boat in 1937, but did not proceed further at the time due to the brittle nature of the plastic used. In 1939 Russia was reported to have constructed a passenger boat of plastic materials, and the United States a fuselage and wings of an aircraft. The first car to have a fibre-glass body was the 1946 Stout Scarab. Only one of this model was built.

The first fiber reinforced plastic plane fuselage was used on a modified Vultee BT-13A designated the XBT-16 based at Wright Field in late 1942. In 1943 further experiments were undertaken building structural aircraft parts from composite materials resulting in the first plane, a Vultee BT-15, with a GFRP fuselage, designated the XBT-19, being flown in 1944. A significant development in the tooling processes for GFRP components had been made by Republic Aviation Corporation in 1943.

Carbon fibre production began in the late 1950s and was used, though not widely, in British industry beginning in the early 1960s, aramid fibres were being produced around this time also, appearing first under the trade name Nomex by DuPont. Today each of these fibres is used widely in industry for any applications that require plastics with specific strength or elastic qualities. Glass fibres are the most common across all industries, although carbon fibre and carbon fibre aramid composites are widely found in aerospace, automotive and sporting good applications.

Process description

FRP involves two distinct processes, the first is the process whereby the fibrous material is manufactured and formed, the second is the process whereby fibrous materials are bonded with the matrix during the moulding process.

Fibre process
The manufacture of fibre fabric

Reinforcing Fibre is manufactured in both two dimensional and three dimensional orientations

Two Dimensional Fibre Reinforced Polymer are characterized by a laminated structure in which the fibres are only aligned along the plane in x-direction and y-direction of the material. This means that no fibres are aligned in the through thickness or the z-direction, this lack of alignment in the through thickness can create a disadvantage in cost and processing. Costs and labour increase because conventional processing techniques used to fabricate composites, such as wet hand lay-up, autoclave and resin transfer moulding, require a high amount of skilled labour to cut, stack and consolidate into a preformed component.
Three-dimensional Fibre Reinforced Polymer composites are materials with three dimensional fibre structures that incorporate fibres in the x-direction, y-direction and z-direction. The development of three-dimensional orientations arose from industry's need to reduce fabrication costs, to increase through-thickness mechanical properties, and to improve impact damage tolerance; all were problems associated with two dimensional fibre reinforced polymers.

The manufacture of fibre preforms

Fibre preforms are how the fibres are manufactured before being bonded to the matrix. Fibre preforms are often manufactured in sheets, continuous mats, or as continuous filaments for spray applications. The four major ways to manufacture the fibre preform is though the textile processing techniques of Weaving, knitting, braiding and stitching.

Weaving can be done in a conventional manner to produce two-dimensional fibres as well in a multilayer weaving that can create three-dimensional fibres. However, multilayer weaving is required to have multiple layers of warp yarns to create fibres in the z- direction creating a few disadvantages in manufacturing,namely the time to set up all the warp yarns on the loom. Therefore most multilayer weaving is currently used to produce relatively narrow width products, or high value products where the cost of the preform production is acceptable. Another one of the main problems facing the use of multilayer woven fabrics is the difficulty in producing a fabric that contains fibres oriented with angles other than 0" and 90" to each other respectively.
The second major way of manufacturing fibre preforms is Braiding. Braiding is suited to the manufacture of narrow width flat or tubular fabric and is not as capable as weaving in the production of large volumes of wide fabrics. Braiding is done over top of mandrels that vary in cross-sectional shape or dimension along their length. Braiding is limited to objects about a brick in size. Unlike the standard weaving process, braiding can produce fabric that contains fibres at 45 degrees angles to one another. Braiding three-dimensional fibres can be done using four step, two-step or Multilayer Interlock Braiding.Four step or row and column braiding utilizes a flat bed containing rows and columns of yarn carriers that form the shape of the desired preform. Additional carriers are added to the outside of the array, the precise location and quantity of which depends upon the exact preform shape and structure required. There are four separate sequences of row and column motion, which act to interlock the yarns and produce the braided preform. The yarns are mechanically forced into the structure between each step to consolidate the structure in a similar process to the use of a reed in weaving.Two-step braiding is unlike the four step process because the two-step includes a large number of yarns fixed in the axial direction and a fewer number of braiding yarns. The process consists of two steps in which the braiding carriers move completely through the structure between the axial carriers. This relatively simple sequence of motions is capable of forming preforms of essentially any shape, including circular and hollow shapes. Unlike the four step process the two step process does not require mechanical compaction the motions involved in the process allows the braid to be pulled tight by yarn tension alone. The last type of braiding is multi-layer interlocking braiding that consists of a number of standard circular braiders being joined together to form a cylindrical braiding frame. This frame has a number of parallel braiding tracks around the circumference of the cylinder but the mechanism allows the transfer of yarn carriers between adjacent tracks forming a multilayer braided fabric with yarns interlocking to adjacent layers. The multilayer interlock braid differs from both the four step and two-step braids in that the interlocking yarns are primarily in the plane of the structure and thus do not significantly reduce the in-plane properties of the preform. The four step and two step processes produce a greater degree of interlinking as the braiding yarns travel through the thickness of the preform, but therefore contribute less to the in-plane performance of the preform. A disadvantage of the multilayer interlock equipment is that due to the conventional sinusoidal movement of the yarn carriers to form the preform, the equipment is not able to have the density of yarn carriers that is possible with the two step and four step machines.
Knitting fibre preforms can be done with the traditional methods of Warp and [Weft] Knitting, and the fabric produced is often regarded by many as two-dimensional fabric, but machines with two or more needle beds are capable of producing multilayer fabrics with yams that traverse between the layers. Developments in electronic controls for needle selection and knit loop transfer, and in the sophisticated mechanisms that allow specific areas of the fabric to be held and their movement controlled. This has allowed the fabric to form itself into the required three-dimensional preform shape with a minimum of material wastage.
Stitching is arguably the simplest of the four main textile manufacturing techniques and one that can be performed with the smallest investment in specialized machinery. Basically the stitching process consists of inserting a needle, carrying the stitch thread, through a stack of fabric layers to form a 3D structure. The advantages of stitching are that it is possible to stitch both dry and prepreg fabric, although the tackiness of the prepreg makes the process difficult and generally creates more damage within the prepreg material than in the dry fabric. Stitching also utilizes the standard two-dimensional fabrics that are commonly in use within the composite industry therefore there is a sense of familiarity concerning the material systems. The use of standard fabric also allows a greater degree of flexibility in the fabric lay-up of the component than is possible with the other textile processes, which have restrictions on the fibre orientations that can be produced.

Moulding processes

There are two distinct categories of moulding processes using FRP plastics; this includes composite moulding and wet moulding. Composite moulding uses Prepreg FRP, meaning the plastics are fibre reinforced before being put through further moulding processes. Sheets of Prepreg FRP are heated or compressed in different ways to create geometric shapes. Wet moulding combines fibre reinforcement and the matrix or resist during the moulding process.The different forms of composite and wet moulding, are listed below.

Composite moulding
Bladder moulding

Individual sheets of prepreg material are laid -up and placed in a female-style mould along with a balloon-like bladder. The mould is closed and placed in a heated press. Finally, the bladder is pressurized forcing the layers of material against the mould walls. The part is cured and removed from the hot mould. Bladder moulding is a closed moulding process with a relatively short cure cycle between 15 and 60 minutes making it ideal for making complex hollow geometric shapes at competitive costs.

Compression moulding

A "preform" or "charge", of SMC, BMC or sometimes prepreg fabric, is placed into mould cavity. The mould is closed and the material is compacted & cured inside by pressure and heat. Compression moulding offers excellent detailing for geometric shapes ranging from pattern and relief detailing to complex curves and creative forms, to precision engineering all within a maximum curing time of 20 minutes.

Autoclave / vacuum bag

Individual sheets of prepreg material are laid-up and placed in an open mold. The material is covered with release film, bleeder/breather material and a vacuum bag. A vacuum is pulled on part and the entire mould is placed into an autoclave (heated pressure vessel). The part is cured with a continuous vacuum to extract entrapped gasses from laminate. This is a very common process in the aerospace industry because it affords precise control over the moulding process due to a long slow cure cycle that is anywhere from one to two hours. This precise control creates the exact laminate geometric forms needed to ensure strength and safety in the aerospace industry, but it is also slow and labour intensive, meaning costs often confine it to the aerospace industry.

Mandrel wrapping

Sheets of prepreg material are wrapped around a steel or aluminium mandrel. The prepreg material is compacted by nylon or polypropylene cello tape. Parts are typically batch cured by hanging in an oven. After cure the cello and mandrel are removed leaving a hollow carbon tube. This process creates strong and robust hollow carbon tubes.

Wet layup

Fibre reinforcing fabric is placed in an open mould and then saturated with a wet [resin] by pouring it over the fabric and working it into the fabric and mould. The mould is then left so that the resin will cure, usually at room temperature, though heat is sometimes used to ensure a proper curing process. Glass fibres are most commonly used for this process, the results are widely known as fibreglass, and is used to make common products like skis, canoes, kayaks and surf boards.

Chopper gun

Continuous strand of fibreglass are pushed through a hand-held gun that both chops the strands and combines them with a catalysed resin such as polyester. The impregnated chopped glass is shot onto the mould surface in whatever thickness the design and human operator think is appropriate. This process is good for large production runs at economical cost, but produces geometric shapes with less strength than other moulding processes and has poor dimensional tolerance.

Filament winding

Machines pull fibre bundles through a wet bath of resin and wound over a rotating steel mandrel in specific orientations Parts are cured either room temperature or elevated temperatures. Mandrel is extracted, leaving a final geometric shape but can be left in some cases.


Fibre bundles and slit fabrics are pulled through a wet bath of resin and formed into the rough part shape. Saturated material is extruded from a heated closed die curing while being continuously pulled through die. Some of the end products of the pultrusion process are structural shapes, i.e. I beam, angle, channel and flat sheet. These materials can be used to create all sorts of fibreglass structures such as ladders, platforms, handrail systems tank, pipe and pump supports.


Fabrics are placed into a mould which wet resin is then injected into. Resin is typically pressurized and forced into a cavity which is under vacuum in the RTM (Resin Transfer Molding) process. Resin is entirely pulled into cavity under vacuum in the VARTM (Vacuum Assisted Resin Transfer Molding) process. This moulding process allows precise tolerances and detailed shaping but can sometimes fail to fully saturate the fabric leading to weak spots in the final shape.

Advantages and limitations

FRP allows the alignment of the glass fibres of thermoplastics to suit specific design programs. Specifying the orientation of reinforcing fibres can increase the strength and resistance to deformation of the polymer. Glass reinforced polymers are strongest and most resistive to deforming forces when the polymers fibres are parallel to the force being exerted, and are weakest when the fibres are perpendicular. Thus this ability is at once both an advantage or a limitation depending on the context of use. Weak spots of perpendicular fibres can be used for natural hinges and connections, but can also lead to material failure when production processes fail to properly orient the fibres parallel to expected forces. When forces are exerted perpendicular to the orientation of fibres the strength and elasticity of the polymer is less than the matrix alone. In cast resin components made of glass reinforced polymers such as UP and EP, the orientation of fibres can be oriented in two-dimensional and three-dimensional weaves. This means that when forces are possibly perpendicular to one orientation, they are parallel to another orientation; this eliminates the potential for weak spots in the polymer.

Failure modes

Structural failure can occur in FRP materials when:

Tensile forces stretch the matrix more than the fibres, causing the material to shear at the interface between matrix and fibres.
Tensile forces near the end of the fibres exceed the tolerances of the matrix, separating the fibres from the matrix.
Tensile forces can also exceed the tolerances of the fibres causing the fibres themselves to fracture leading to material failure.

Material requirements

The matrix must also meet certain requirements in order to first be suitable for the FRP process and ensure a successful reinforcement of itself. The matrix must be able to properly saturate, and bond with the fibres within a suitable curing period. The matrix should preferably bond chemically with the fibre reinforcement for maximum adhesion. The matrix must also completely envelope the fibres to protect them from cuts and notches that would reduce their strength, and to transfer forces to the fibres. The fibres must also be kept separate from each other so that if failure occurs it is localized as much as possible, and if failure occurs the matrix must also debond from the fibre for similar reasons. Finally the matrix should be of a plastic that remains chemically and physically stable during and after reinforcement and moulding processes. To be suitable for reinforcement material fibre additives must increase the tensile strength and modulus of elasticity of the matrix and meet the following conditions; fibres must exceed critical fibre content; the strength and rigidity of fibres itself must exceed the strength and rigidity of the matrix alone; and there must be optimum bonding between fibres and matrix.

Glass fibre material

FRPs use textile glass fibres; textile fibres are different from other forms of glass fibres used for insulating applications. Textile glass fibres begin as varying combinations of SiO2, Al2O3, B2O3, CaO, or MgO in powder form. These mixtures are then heated through a direct melt process to temperatures around 1300 degrees Celsius, after which dies are used to extrude filaments of glass fibre in diameter ranging from 9 to 17 µm. These filaments are then wound into larger threads and spun onto bobbins for transportation and further processing. Glass fibre is by far the most popular means to reinforce plastic and thus enjoys a wealth of production processes, some of which are applicable to aramid and carbon fibres as well owing to their shared fibrous qualities.

Roving is a process where filaments are spun into larger diameter threads. These threads are then commonly used for woven reinforcing glass fabrics and mats, and in spray applications.

Fibre fabrics are web-form fabric reinforcing material that has both warp and weft directions. Fibre mats are web-form non-woven mats of glass fibres. Mats are manufactured in cut dimensions with chopped fibres, or in continuous mats using continuous fibres. Chopped fibre glass is used in processes where lengths of glass threads are cut between 3 and 26 mm, threads are then used in plastics most commonly intended for moulding processes. Glass fibre short strands are short 0.2–0.3 mm strands of glass fibres that are used to reinforce thermoplastics most commonly for injection moulding.

Carbon fibre
Carbon fibre

Carbon fibres are created when polyacrylonitrile fibres (PAN), Pitch resins, or Rayon are carbonized (through oxidation and thermal pyrolysis) at high temperatures. Through further processes of graphitizing or stretching the fibres strength or elasticity can be enhanced respectively. Carbon fibres are manufactured in diameters analogous to glass fibres with diameters ranging from 9 to 17 µm. These fibres wound into larger threads for transportation and further production processes.Further production processes include weaving or braiding into carbon fabrics, cloths and mats analogous to those described for glass that can then be used in actual reinforcement processes.

Aramid fibre material process

Aramid fibres are most commonly known Kevlar, Nomex and Technora. Aramids are generally prepared by the reaction between an amine group and a carboxylic acid halide group (aramid);commonly this occurs when an aromatic polyamide is spun from a liquid concentration of sulfuric acid into a crystallized fibre. Fibres are then spun into larger threads in order to weave into large ropes or woven fabrics (Aramid). Aramid fibres are manufactured with varying grades to based on varying qualities for strength and rigidity, so that the material can be somewhat tailored to specific design needs concerns, such as cutting the tough material during manufacture.

Examples of polymers best suited for the process

Reinforcing Material Most Common Matrix Materials Properties Improved
Glass Fibres UP, EP, PA, PC, POM, PP, PBT, VE Strength, Elasticity, heat resistance
Wood Fibres PE, PP, ABS, HDPE, PLA Flexural strength, Tensile modulus, Tensile Strength
Carbon and Aramid Fibres EP, UP, VE, PA Elasticity, Tensile Strength, compression strength, electrical strength.
Inorganic Particulates Semicrystalline Thermoplastics, UP Isotropic shrinkage, abrasion, compression strength


Fibre-reinforced plastics are best suited for any design program that demands weight savings, precision engineering, finite tolerances, and the simplification of parts in both production and operation. A moulded polymer artefact is cheaper, faster, and easier to manufacture than cast aluminium or steel artefact, and maintains similar and sometimes better tolerances and material strengths. The Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution IV also used FRP for its spoiler material.

Carbon fibre reinforced polymers

Rudder of A310 Airbus

Advantages over a traditional rudder made from sheet aluminium are:
25% reduction in weight
95% reduction in components by combining parts and forms into simpler moulded parts.
Overall reduction in production and operational costs, economy of parts results in lower production costs and the weight savings create fuel savings that lower the operational costs of flying the aeroplane.

Structural Applications of FRP

FRP can be applied to strengthen the beams, columns and slabs in buildings. It is possible to increase strength of these structural members even after these have been severely damaged due to loading conditions.

For strengthening beams, two techniques are adopted. First one is to paste FRP plates to the bottom (generally the tension face)of a beam. This increases the strength of beam, deflection capacity of beam and stiffness (load required to make unit deflection). Alternatively, FRP strips can be pasted in 'U' shape around the sides and bottom of a beam, resulting in higher shear resistance.

Columns in building can be wrapped with FRP for achieving higher strength. This is called wrapping of columns. The technique works by restraining the lateral expansion of the column.

Slabs may be strengthened by pasting FRP strips at their bottom (tension face). This will result in better performance, since the tensile resistance of slabs is supplemented by the tensile strength of FRP.

In the case of beams and slabs, the effectiveness of FRP strengthening depends on the performance of the resin chosen for bonding.

Glass fibre reinforced polymers

Engine intake manifolds are made from glass fibre reinforced PA 66.

Advantages this has over cast aluminium manifolds are:
Up to a 60% reduction in weight
Improved surface quality and aerodynamics
Reduction in components by combining parts and forms into simpler moulded shapes.

Automotive gas and clutch pedals made from glass fibre reinforced PA 66 (DWP 12-13)

Advantages over stamped aluminium are:
Pedals can be moulded as single units combining both pedals and mechanical linkages simplifying the production and operation of the design.
Fibres can be oriented to reinforce against specific stresses, increasing the durability and safety.

Design considerations

FRP is used in designs that require a measure of strength or modulus of elasticity that non-reinforced plastics and other material choices are either ill suited for mechanically or economically. This means that the primary design consideration for using FRP is to ensure that the material is used economically and in a manner that takes advantage of its structural enhancements specifically. This is however not always the case, the orientation of fibres also creates a material weakness perpendicular to the fibres. Thus the use of fibre reinforcement and their orientation affects the strength, rigidity, and elasticity of a final form and hence the operation of the final product itself. Orienting the direction of fibres either, unidirectional, 2-dimensionally, or 3-dimensionally during production affects the degree of strength, flexibility, and elasticity of the final product. Fibres oriented in the direction of forces display greater resistance to distortion from these forces and vice versa, thus areas of a product that must withstand forces will be reinforced with fibres in the same direction, and areas that require flexibility, such as natural hinges, will use fibres in a perpendicular direction to forces. Using more dimensions avoids this either or scenario and creates objects that seek to avoid any specific weak points due to the unidirectional orientation of fibres. The properties of strength, flexibility and elasticity can also be magnified or diminished through the geometric shape and design of the final product. These include such design consideration such as ensuring proper wall thickness and creating multifunctional geometric shapes that can be moulding as single pieces, creating shapes that have more material and structural integrity by reducing joints, connections, and hardware.

Disposal and recycling concerns

As a subset of plastic FRP plastics are liable to a number of the issues and concerns in plastic waste disposal and recycling. Plastics pose a particular challenge in recycling processes because they are derived from polymers and monomers that often cannot be separated and returned to their virgin states, for this reason not all plastics can be recycled for re-use, in fact some estimates claim only 20% to 30% of plastics can be material recycled at all. Fibre reinforced plastics and their matrices share these disposal and environmental concerns. In addition to these concerns, the fact that the fibres themselves are difficult to remove from the matrix and preserve for re-use means FRP amplify these challenges. FRP are inherently difficult to separate into base a material, that is into fibre and matrix, and the matrix into separate usable plastic, polymers, and monomers. These are all concerns for environmentally informed design today, but plastics often offer savings in energy and economic savings in comparison to other materials, also with the advent of new more environmentally friendly matrices such as bioplastics and uv-degradable plastics, FRP will similarly gain environmental sensitivity.

Fiberglass molding

Fiberglass molding is a process in which fiberglass reinforced resin plastics are formed into useful shapes.

Mold Making

The fiberglass mold process begins with an object known as the plug or buck. This is an exact representation of the object to be made, and can be made from a variety of different materials. Certain types of foam are commonly used.

After the plug has been formed, it is sprayed with a mold release agent. The release agent will allow the mold to be separated from the plug once it is finished. The mold release agent is a special wax, and/or PVA (Polyvinyl alcohol). Polyvinyl Alcohol, however, is said to have negative effects on the final mold's surface finish.

Once the plug has its release agent applied, gelcoat is applied with a roller, brush or specially-designed spray gun. The gelcoat is pigmented resin, and gives the mold surface a harder, more durable finish.

Once the release agent and gelcoat are applied, layers of fiberglass and resin are laid-up onto the surface. The fiberglass used will typically be identical to that which will be used in the final product.

In the laying-up process, a layer of fiberglass mat is applied, and resin is applied over it. A special roller is then used to remove air bubbles. If left in the curing resin, air bubbles would significantly reduce the strength of the finished mold. The fiberglass spray lay-up process is also used to produce molds, and can provide good filling of corners and cavities where a glass mat or weave may prove to be too stiff.

Once the final layers of fiberglass are applied to the mold, the resin is allowed to set up and cure. Wedges are then driven between the plug and the mold in order to separate the two.

Advanced techniques such as Resin Transfer Molding are also used.

Making a Component

The component-making process involves building up a component on the fiberglass mold. The mold is a negative image of the component to be made, so the fiberglass will be applied inside the mold, rather than around it.

As in the mold-making process, release agent is first applied to the mold. Colored gelcoat is then applied. Layers of fiberglass are then applied, using the same procedure as before. Once completed and cured, the component is separated from the mold using wedges, compressed air or both.

Tool Management

Tool management is needed in the metalworking so that the information regarding the tools on hand, can be uniformly organized and integrated in the manufacturing environment and process flow. The information is stored in a database and is registered and applied using the tool management software. The tool data management consists of specific data fields, graphics and parameters which are essential in production, as opposed to a solution for the management of the general production equipment.

Unlike hand tools, a tool in the CNC-production is composed of several parts. Putting the parts together accurately into an assembly is a requirement in order to achieve error-free production.

Processing a part with the CNC machine (machining operation) requires several tool assemblies, which are documented in a list. Each component, each assembly and each list has an identification under which the specifications are found. The tool management is divided into the documentation of the tools (master data) and the logistics (transaction data). The documentation includes, at the very least, all information needed for a trouble-free and a comprehensible production process. Moreover, spare parts, experiences in production and the corresponding data can be managed. Several functions are available to manage, process, print and combine with other applications.

The logistics deal with demand planning, supplies and the location of the tools. This includes, on one hand, the location in the warehouse and the purchasing of individual parts with the corresponding consumption report. On the other hand, it also allows the planning and coordination of the movements of the assemblies within the shop floor.

Master Data of Tools

The master data describes the tools with regards to the geometric characteristics, the composition and the usage. The information is divided into th actual description of the tool (specifications), the work instructions for use through people and the description for the use through machines (Instruction set). The master data describes the tool in its qualitative aspects, but does not provide quantities and locations.


Outline sample for chamfer tools.

The components are individual parts, which can be combined into an assembly. Components are purchased as a unit and stored in tool release. There is a distinction between cutting components (ex.:collets) and non-cutting components (ex.:collets ). Cutting components are worn out during use and therefore must be purchased and replaced periodically. Non-cutting components are practical unlimited in use. They are often acquired together with a new tool machine. Clamping equipments are handled like non-cutting components.

  • The header data is uniformly structured and contains information such as name, supplier's product code, and a unique item number. Each component is assigned to a specific tool type, which defines the number and description of the required data fields. Each component is also linked to a tool category that belongs to a user specific tree structure, which serves to find the tools according to their technical criteria without indicating the number.
  • The descriptive data (geometrical value) vary depending on the type of tool. The data fields are specified in the class list of characteristics. The meaning of the geometrical data fields is illustrated in diagrams and pictures. The DIN 4000 recommends diagrams and pictures for their explanation. Varying graphics for different functions are stored either in the database, or on the components through data links.

DXF according ISG/BMG Standard.

*Generally, there are four types of graphic illustrations:

  1. 2D drawings, for example, in DXF format according to the ISG/BMG standard for geometrical information,
  2. PDF data of the tool manufacturer as a data sheet with exploded view,
  3. 3D data (ex.: STEP or STL) for the use in CAM systems,
  4. Photos (ex.: JPG) as graphical information
  • Cutting data (speed and feed) is stored for the cutting components for optimal chipping efficiency. The different data for varying materials and processing methods, number of revolutions, progressive feed, cooling and production method.

Tool Assemblies

The tool assembly is built out of several components. The component at the rear end must fit to be connect the machine tool , and the cutting component is found on the other end (ex.: drill or insert). Varying components are used intermediately (ex.: extension, collets) in order to reach the desired geometry of the assembly. The documentation of the assembly describes how the components need to be assembled, in order to ensure that the applied geometry in the CAM system matches that of the real tools in the CNC machine.

  • The header data contains information such as identification, a specific number and the allotted tool class.
  • The geometric fields are computed directly through the data of the applied components. Adjustable tools (ex.: fine drill tools with adjustable diameter) are stored in addition to the data of the assembly.
  • The assembly instructions contain the bill of material as well as the data for the parts assembly that is important for the specific assembly (ex.: adjusting tolerance + 0.03/-0.01 mm).
  • The nominal values for the presetting serve as a default in the measuring process with a tool presetting machine. The exact position at the tool and the measuring method can be specified, in addition to the nominal values of the geometry, so that, for example, the left or right corner has to be measured for a grooving tool.
  • The cutting data is typically used for the cutting components as a recommendation for the assembly. This can be adjusted to the specific situation for the assembly. The specifications are continually improved with the help of the practical experience in the factory and are automatically made available for the NC programming in the CAM system.

Tool lists / manufacturing operation

The tool list includes all tool assemblies that are needed for a machining operation. It will be printed as picking list and is used for commissioning and providing advises for the assembly setup. Often there are instructions and information contained therein that are not directly related to the tools (e.g. clamping, clamping fixtures, the name of the NC program, etc.) to ensure that all documents for an operation can be viewed together.

  • The header data include information such as name, unique identification and the allocation to the right machines. As identification is used e.g. the combination of "part number + operation". Instead of the part number, the drawing number can be used.
  • The list of assemblies contains all the assemblies needed for the operation, along with the designated pocket in the machine (T number, Turret). That list also includes those requirements for the assembly, valid for this specific operation only (such as minimum cutting length). The assemblies are listed in the order in which they are used in the NC program.
  • The print edition (picking list) is used for the picking of components and assembly of the complete tools in the tool output. It includes the necessary components and their storage location and the important geometric details and tolerances of the complete tool.

Auxiliary Tables

Match conditions for tool components.

In addition to the actual tool data, auxiliary data tables simplify the data acquisition, using values selected from a table instead of having to collect them. Compared to a manual input, this ensures a more comfortable and consistent data collection.

  • On both sides of a component match conditions indicated the geometric condition another component must meet to be connected. If a component has on the right side matching conditions such as a next component on the left side, the two can be assembled. The use of match conditions makes searching matching components easier and more secure. When entering the component into the database, for both sides the right match conditions are selected from a table.
  • A list of the work materials is required for the assignment of the cutting conditions. Different qualities and additional terms for the materials are also contained in the list, and extended by the individual designations as used by the respective enterprise.
  • The tool classification is used to organize the tools in technical terms. All tools assigned to the same tool class are suitable for the same task, but they have different sizes. The tool classes are organized in a tree, which is adapted and expanded by the user.
  • The tool types with the corresponding images describe the required geometric values and where they are measured. Each tool type is assigned to a class list of characteristics that define the data fields of the components.
  • The locations are used in order to specify the location of the assemblies and components in logistics. They are a reflection of the manufacturing environment and include all stands where tools and equipment could stay. They are divided into storage locations, intermediate locations, preparation- and production units (machines). Several locations are grouped into departments. The locations themselves can be divided into individual places. The level of detail and depth of the structure are defined only as far as the logistcal aspects are actually necessary.
  • The cost centers are used in logistics to evaluate the use of tools in different departments (e.g. turning). With the removal of a component from the storage, an indication is specified at the cost center it relates to. The cost center of the tool management must be adjusted with those in the PPS system.

Transaction Data (logistics) of Tools

Tool Components on stock.

Logistic is concerned with the inventory, the storage areas and the purchasing of tools. Within the logistics, there is a differentiation between the components and the assemblies. The components themselves have a differentiation between internal material flow and purchasing goods from external suppliers (stock control).

Stock control of Components

The logistics of the components includes primarily the inventory management, the planning of requirements and the monitoring of the minimum stock level. When reaching the minimum level, the tool management triggers a procurement process, which is handled by the Purchasing Department, with the ERP system. The logistic of the tool management uses a workplace-tuned user interface and has interfaces to storage systems and other facilities within the shop floor. Requirement for coordinated inventory of components is a central organization of the tools in which all components of a production unit are stored at one location, and each withdrawal is recorded reliably.

In-house logistics of Components

In-house logistics is mainly interested in what place a wanted component currently is, and at what cost center it was consumed. This method only consumes wear parts (cutting), the other components (holders, clamping devices) are only be moved between toolroom, storage places, and machine tool. The booking of the components at the individual cost centers and locations occurs simultaneously with withdraw / restore in the toolroom. The preparation of tools and resources is triggered by a production order. It refers to a tool list in the master data, in which all required components are listed. Prior to the usage in the machine tool, the components are assembled, according to the specifications and work instructions in the tool list. When scheduling the production orders, for each component will be checked if the available inventory is sufficient to assemble the tools required.

In-house logistics of Assemblies

tool Assemblies loaded.

The assemblies are built from components, and after usage usually disassembled into components and restored again. From an assembly, multiple copies can be assembled simultaneously, if the components are available in sufficient numbers. The logistic of assemblies refers to the condition and location of these copies.

Each copy of an assembly can typically be in three various states:

  • not yet assembled (the components are available as individual parts)
  • Assembled in the intermediate storage (e.g. on a shelf)
  • assembled on the CNC machine

When scheduling a production order, the relevant, for the work required assemblies are known, based on the tool list. Also, known is which assemblies, required for the machining process, are already located on the machine tool. The necessary, but not yet available assemblies are calculated and printed in a net loading list. They either have to be assembled or removed from the intermediate storage. With a coordinated logistic of the assemblies it is possible to reduce the time required for providing and replacement of assemblies at the machine.

Integration of Tool Data

The tool management serves to guarantee an efficient and faultless order processing in the manufacture. Existing knowledge is made generally available and the guidelines stated in the master data are noticed. The integration of tool data enables other applications to use the tool data which is maintained with the tool management. Thereby, the applications either fall back on the tool management's database, or the data will be replaced by the interfaces. Especially in CNC manufacturing where several persons are involved in the production process the integration avoids faults, delays and multiple data recordings. As follows you will find a short description of some of the respective connections between the most important applications and the tool management.

PDM (documentation)

In the PDM system every product's work plan is saved which comprises the CAD Models, the description of the working steps and the list of the needed equipment. The detailed description of the equipment themselves takes place in the tool management because the PDM system does not offer functions and data fields do describe them in detail. It typically offers links to external data. If a product is to be produced, a production order will be generated with the ERP system which comprises the link to the work plan stored in the PDM system. The needed resources such as NC programs, tools, and instructions will be requested in the production from the tool management. Integration means to guarantee the availability of the actual information in the tool management system mentioned in the PDM system. The basic objective for integration is a systematic numbering of the documents and resources.

ERP (purchase)

The RP system plans raw material, consumable items and other resources. It is closely connected with the PDM system and assumes the tasks of the materials management and logistics. Related to the tools, this concerns the consumable components (cutting items). If the inventory of the components is conducted with the tool management system, purchase orders will be transmitted as purchase requisitions to the ERP system which assumes the actual order. This requires that the products are registered in both systems with the same number. Additionally all internal stock movements of the tool components for the costing can be handed over to the ERP system with the integration.


With the CAM system the G-Code commands (NC program) for the CNC machine are generated. Geometry, description and cutting conditions of the assemblies are selected and received directly from the tool management database. This ensures that all tools used are documented and consistent with the reality in the workshop. From the CAM system, all tools used in an NC program are automatically saved as tool list in the tool management. This ensures the correct use and equipment of the tools during the preparation of the working process.

Storage systems

Besides the conventional tool cabinets, storage systems which provide the operator with the shelf containing the desired product are often used. The relationship between the item number and the storage place is saved in the tool management. When booking a tool removal in the logistics area of the tool management the storage system is operated automatically. Alternatively, the assignment of storage locations can be configured in the storage system. The removal is then performed on the storage system and the inventory change is transmitted to the tool management.


At the processing to the tools' positioning the CNC machine needs their exact measurements. Therefore, the length and diameter of the complete tools must be entered when inserting them in the machine. These setting values of the tools can be measured with an external pre-setter. Convenient pre-setters assume the nominal values, tolerances and designation from the tool management and pass the measured actual values directly to the control of the CNC machine. The integration of the tool management with the pre-setters takes place in the exchange format of the respective equipment manufacturers and also includes the graphics and information about the method of measurement.

Tool catalogues

To reduce the cost of the initial data acquisition of the components in the tool management solution, tool manufacturers provide the data and graphics in appropriately conditioned form. For the technical data of the tools, the DIN 4000 and the ISO 13399 exchange format are currently used. Wherever required, the 2D graphics are provided in accordance with the ISG / BMG DXF standard. For 3D graphics a standard is not defined yet. Normally, STL and STEP format are offered and axis position is chosen according to the application on the machine.

Motivation for Tool Management

Utilization of New Technologies

Rising demands in design und quality, combined with time and cost pressures, force companies to permanently invest in more efficient equipment and procedures. Modern CNC-Machines (i.e. Mill-Turn-Machines) are highly productive, however they are very demanding in terms of preparation and application. A prerequisite for the successful use of new technologies is therefore the simultaneous adaptation of the organization together with the opportunity to include the storage und retrieval of necessary operational information. The additionally required knowledge can subsequently be included in the operational procedures and made available for each necessary task. This avoids the situation that instructions allocated regarding equipment and tooling are flawed or incomplete resulting in the interruption of the production.

Supplying the Right Information

Newly Purchased equipment is supplied with specific information for its usage (i.e. cutting data with tools). This Information is however found in the supplier specific (i.e. maximum allowed diameter of a fine boring tool). Before the new acquisition can be utilized, the data must be integrated in the company orientated specific task format. (i.e. The exact setup values for a required fine boring tool). Furthermore, this information must be made available to all participating work areas. (i.e. the exact adjusted diameter must be made known to the NC programming and tool store departments). Processed company information is then made available as general or as specific part data instructions (i.e. appropriate cutting values for a particular tools usage with a specified material) and must be managed and integrated within a workflow to prevent valuable production capacity is lost or tool life is reduced due to unsuitable cutting data.

Make Information Available.

Tool and production data is managed within a company database and in a specific format. For this purpose a software application is utilized so that information can be accessed across all departments and be accessed and used by different people without repeatedly registering duplicate data. So that the data can be utilized by various other software applications (i.e. CAM-Systems, tool pre-setters, shop floor logistics), suitable interfaces are integrated to secure a smooth, seamless workflow. Central data management reduces errors and stoppages in production.

Planning and Preparation

To plan a machine schedule and preparing tools for a night shift, purchasing consumable articles or a decision for a new requisition requires the necessary sufficient information. The structured administration of all data pertaining to tools makes it possible to access pertinent information and relevant data within a short term.

Necessity of a solution

The importance of exchanging information between operational areas varies according to each type of company. Generally it can be said, that missing or unclear information means that sources of errors are made transparent through loss of capacity, delays and inefficient work flow. Manual interfaces and information passed on by word of mouth are without doubt potential error sources and obstacles for new employees. The more people that are involved in the production process; the necessity and importance of binding instructions and clear cut procedures become clearer. Activities that are to be frequently carried out must of organized just as efficiently as a seldom duty. Especially important are binding specifications that are involved in complex working situations to reduce the chance of machine damages as well as the risks involved with defective deliveries.

Tool management

Tool management is needed in the metalworking so that the information regarding the tools on hand, can be uniformly organized and integrated in the manufacturing environment and process flow. The information is stored in a database and is registered and applied using the tool management software. The tool data management consists of specific data fields, graphics and parameters which are essential in production, as opposed to a solution for the management of the general production equipment.

Unlike hand tools, a tool in the CNC-production is composed of several parts. Putting the parts together accurately into an assembly is a requirement in order to achieve error-free production.

Processing a part with the CNC machine (machining operation) requires several tool assemblies, which are documented in a list. Each component, each assembly and each list has an identification under which the specifications are found. The tool management is divided into the documentation of the tools (master data) and the logistics (transaction data). The documentation includes, at the very least, all information needed for a trouble-free and a comprehensible production process. Moreover, spare parts, experiences in production and the corresponding data can be managed. Several functions are available to manage, process, print and combine with other applications.

The logistics deal with demand planning, supplies and the location of the tools. This includes, on one hand, the location in the warehouse and the purchasing of individual parts with the corresponding consumption report. On the other hand, it also allows the planning and coordination of the movements of the assemblies within the shop floor.

Master Data of Tools

The master data describes the tools with regards to the geometric characteristics, the composition and the usage. The information is divided into the actual description of the tool (specifications), the work instructions for use through people and the description for the use through machines (Instruction set). The master data describes the tool in its qualitative aspects, but does not provide quantities and locations.


Outline sample for chamfer tools.

The components are individual parts, which can be combined into an assembly. Components are purchased as a unit and stored in tool release. There is a distinction between cutting components (ex.:collets) and non-cutting components (ex.:collets ). Cutting components are worn out during use and therefore must be purchased and replaced periodically. Non-cutting components are practical unlimited in use. They are often acquired together with a new tool machine. Clamping equipments are handled like non-cutting components.

  • The header data is uniformly structured and contains information such as name, supplier's product code, and a unique item number. Each component is assigned to a specific tool type, which defines the number and description of the required data fields. Each component is also linked to a tool category that belongs to a user specific tree structure, which serves to find the tools according to their technical criteria without indicating the number.
  • The descriptive data (geometrical value) vary depending on the type of tool. The data fields are specified in the class list of characteristics. The meaning of the geometrical data fields is illustrated in diagrams and pictures. The DIN 4000 recommends diagrams and pictures for their explanation. Varying graphics for different functions are stored either in the database, or on the components through data links.
DXF according ISG/BMG Standard.

*Generally, there are four types of graphic illustrations:

  1. 2D drawings, for example, in DXF format according to the ISG/BMG standard for geometrical information,
  2. PDF data of the tool manufacturer as a data sheet with exploded view,
  3. 3D data (ex.: STEP or STL) for the use in CAM systems,
  4. Photos (ex.: JPG) as graphical information
  • Cutting data (speed and feed) is stored for the cutting components for optimal chipping efficiency. The different data for varying materials and processing methods, number of revolutions, progressive feed, cooling and production method.

Tool Assemblies

The tool assembly is built out of several components. The component at the rear end must fit to be connect the machine tool , and the cutting component is found on the other end (ex.: drill or insert). Varying components are used intermediately (ex.: extension, collets) in order to reach the desired geometry of the assembly. The documentation of the assembly describes how the components need to be assembled, in order to ensure that the applied geometry in the CAM system matches that of the real tools in the CNC machine.

  • The header data contains information such as identification, a specific number and the allotted tool class.
  • The geometric fields are computed directly through the data of the applied components. Adjustable tools (ex.: fine drill tools with adjustable diameter) are stored in addition to the data of the assembly.
  • The assembly instructions contain the bill of material as well as the data for the parts assembly that is important for the specific assembly (ex.: adjusting tolerance + 0.03/-0.01 mm).
  • The nominal values for the presetting serve as a default in the measuring process with a tool presetting machine. The exact position at the tool and the measuring method can be specified, in addition to the nominal values of the geometry, so that, for example, the left or right corner has to be measured for a grooving tool.
  • The cutting data is typically used for the cutting components as a recommendation for the assembly. This can be adjusted to the specific situation for the assembly. The specifications are continually improved with the help of the practical experience in the factory and are automatically made available for the NC programming in the CAM system.

Tool lists / manufacturing operation

The tool list includes all tool assemblies that are needed for a machining operation. It will be printed as picking list and is used for commissioning and providing advises for the assembly setup. Often there are instructions and information contained therein that are not directly related to the tools (e.g. clamping, clamping fixtures, the name of the NC program, etc.) to ensure that all documents for an operation can be viewed together.

  • The header data include information such as name, unique identification and the allocation to the right machines. As identification is used e.g. the combination of "part number + operation". Instead of the part number, the drawing number can be used.
  • The list of assemblies contains all the assemblies needed for the operation, along with the designated pocket in the machine (T number, Turret). That list also includes those requirements for the assembly, valid for this specific operation only (such as minimum cutting length). The assemblies are listed in the order in which they are used in the NC program.
  • The print edition (picking list) is used for the picking of components and assembly of the complete tools in the tool output. It includes the necessary components and their storage location and the important geometric details and tolerances of the complete tool.

Auxiliary Tables

Match conditions for tool components.

In addition to the actual tool data, auxiliary data tables simplify the data acquisition, using values selected from a table instead of having to collect them. Compared to a manual input, this ensures a more comfortable and consistent data collection.

  • On both sides of a component match conditions indicated the geometric condition another component must meet to be connected. If a component has on the right side matching conditions such as a next component on the left side, the two can be assembled. The use of match conditions makes searching matching components easier and more secure. When entering the component into the database, for both sides the right match conditions are selected from a table.
  • A list of the work materials is required for the assignment of the cutting conditions. Different qualities and additional terms for the materials are also contained in the list, and extended by the individual designations as used by the respective enterprise.
  • The tool classification is used to organize the tools in technical terms. All tools assigned to the same tool class are suitable for the same task, but they have different sizes. The tool classes are organized in a tree, which is adapted and expanded by the user.
  • The tool types with the corresponding images describe the required geometric values and where they are measured. Each tool type is assigned to a class list of characteristics that define the data fields of the components.
  • The locations are used in order to specify the location of the assemblies and components in logistics. They are a reflection of the manufacturing environment and include all stands where tools and equipment could stay. They are divided into storage locations, intermediate locations, preparation- and production units (machines). Several locations are grouped into departments. The locations themselves can be divided into individual places. The level of detail and depth of the structure are defined only as far as the logistcal aspects are actually necessary.
  • The cost centers are used in logistics to evaluate the use of tools in different departments (e.g. turning). With the removal of a component from the storage, an indication is specified at the cost center it relates to. The cost centersof the tool management must be adjusted with those in the PPS system.

Transaction Data (logistics) of Tools

Tool Components on stock.

Logistic is concerned with the inventory, the storage areas and the purchasing of tools. Within the logistics, there is a differentiation between the components and the assemblies. The components themselves have a differentiation between internal material flow and purchasing goods from external suppliers (stock control).

Stock control of Components

The logistics of the components includes primarily the inventory management, the planning of requirements and the monitoring of the minimum stock level. When reaching the minimum level, the tool management triggers a procurement process, which is handled by the Purchasing Department, with the ERP system. The logistic of the tool management uses a workplace-tuned user interface and has interfaces to storage systems and other facilities within the shop floor. Requirement for coordinated inventory of components is a central organization of the tools in which all components of a production unit are stored at one location, and each withdrawal is recorded reliably.
In-house logistics of Components

In-house logistics is mainly interested in what place a wanted component currently is, and at what cost center it was consumed. This method only consumes wear parts (cutting), the other components (holders, clamping devices) are only be moved between toolroom, storage places, and machine tool. The booking of the components at the individual cost centers and locations occurs simultaneously with withdraw / restore in the toolroom. The preparation of tools and resources is triggered by a production order. It refers to a tool list in the master data, in which all required components are listed. Prior to the usage in the machine tool, the components are assembled, according to the specifications and work instructions in the tool list. When scheduling the production orders, for each component will be checked if the available inventory is sufficient to assemble the tools required.

In-house logistics of Assemblies

tool Assemblies loaded.

The assemblies are built from components, and after usage usually disassembled into components and restored again. From an assembly, multiple copies can be assembled simultaneously, if the components are available in sufficient numbers. The logistic of assemblies refers to the condition and location of these copies.

Each copy of an assembly can typically be in three various states:

  • not yet assembled (the components are available as individual parts)
  • Assembled in the intermediate storage (e.g. on a shelf)
  • assembled on the CNC machine

When scheduling a production order, the relevant, for the work required assemblies are known, based on the tool list. Also, known is which assemblies, required for the machining process, are already located on the machine tool. The necessary, but not yet available assemblies are calculated and printed in a net loading list. They either have to be assembled or removed from the intermediate storage. With a coordinated logistic of the assemblies it is possible to reduce the time required for providing and replacement of assemblies at the machine.

Integration of Tool Data

The tool management serves to guarantee an efficient and faultless order processing in the manufacture. Existing knowledge is made generally available and the guidelines stated in the master data are noticed. The integration of tool data enables other applications to use the tool data which is maintained with the tool management. Thereby, the applications either fall back on the tool management's database, or the data will be replaced by the interfaces. Especially in CNC manufacturing where several persons are involved in the production process the integration avoids faults, delays and multiple data recordings. As follows you will find a short description of some of the respective connections between the most important applications and the tool management.

PDM (documentation)

In the PDM system every product's work plan is saved which comprises the CAD Models, the description of the working steps and the list of the needed equipment. The detailed description of the equipment themselves takes place in the tool management because the PDM system does not offer functions and data fields do describe them in detail. It typically offers links to external data. If a product is to be produced, a production order will be generated with the ERP system which comprises the link to the work plan stored in the PDM system. The needed resources such as NC programs, tools, and instructions will be requested in the production from the tool management. Integration means to guarantee the availability of the actual information in the tool management system mentioned in the PDM system. The basic objective for integration is a systematic numbering of the documents and resources.
ERP (purchase)

The ERP system plans raw material, consumable items and other resources. It is closely connected with the PDM system and assumes the tasks of the materials management and logistics. Related to the tools, this concerns the consumable components (cutting items). If the inventory of the components is conducted with the tool management system, purchase orders will be transmitted as purchase requisitions to the ERP system which assumes the actual order. This requires that the products are registered in both systems with the same number. Additionally all internal stock movements of the tool components for the costing can be handed over to the ERP system with the integration.

With the CAM system the G-Code commands (NC program) for the CNC machine are generated. Geometry, description and cutting conditions of the assemblies are selected and received directly from the tool management database. This ensures that all tools used are documented and consistent with the reality in the workshop. From the CAM system, all tools used in an NC program are automatically saved as tool list in the tool management. This ensures the correct use and equipment of the tools during the preparation of the working process.
Storage systems

Besides the conventional tool cabinets, storage systems which provide the operator with the shelf containing the desired product are often used. The relationship between the item number and the storage place is saved in the tool management. When booking a tool removal in the logistics area of the tool management the storage system is operated automatically. Alternatively, the assignment of storage locations can be configured in the storage system. The removal is then performed on the storage system and the inventory change is transmitted to the tool management.

At the processing to the tools' positioning the CNC machine needs their exact measurements. Therefore, the length and diameter of the complete tools must be entered when inserting them in the machine. These setting values of the tools can be measured with an external pre-setter. Convenient pre-setters assume the nominal values, tolerances and designation from the tool management and pass the measured actual values directly to the control of the CNC machine. The integration of the tool management with the pre-setters takes place in the exchange format of the respective equipment manufacturers and also includes the graphics and information about the method of measurement.
Tool catalogues

To reduce the cost of the initial data acquisition of the components in the tool management solution, tool manufacturers provide the data and graphics in appropriately conditioned form. For the technical data of the tools, the DIN 4000 and the ISO 13399 exchange format are currently used. Wherever required, the 2D graphics are provided in accordance with the ISG / BMG DXF standard. For 3D graphics a standard is not defined yet. Normally, STL and STEP format are offered and axis position is chosen according to the application on the machine.

Storage systems

Besides the conventional tool cabinets, storage systems which provide the operator with the shelf containing the desired product are often used. The relationship between the item number and the storage place is saved in the tool management. When booking a tool removal in the logistics area of the tool management the storage system is operated automatically. Alternatively, the assignment of storage locations can be configured in the storage system. The removal is then performed on the storage system and the inventory change is transmitted to the tool management.


At the processing to the tools' positioning the CNC machine needs their exact measurements. Therefore, the length and diameter of the complete tools must be entered when inserting them in the machine. These setting values of the tools can be measured with an external pre-setter. Convenient pre-setters assume the nominal values, tolerances and designation from the tool management and pass the measured actual values directly to the control of the CNC machine. The integration of the tool management with the pre-setters takes place in the exchange format of the respective equipment manufacturers and also includes the graphics and information about the method of measurement.

Tool catalogues

To reduce the cost of the initial data acquisition of the components in the tool management solution, tool manufacturers provide the data and graphics in appropriately conditioned form. For the technical data of the tools, the DIN 4000 and the ISO 13399 exchange format are currently used. Wherever required, the 2D graphics are provided in accordance with the ISG / BMG DXF standard. For 3D graphics a standard is not defined yet. Normally, STL and STEP format are offered and axis position is chosen according to the application on the machine.

Motivation for Tool Management

Utilization of New Technologies

Rising demands in design und quality, combined with time and cost pressures, force companies to permanently invest in more efficient equipment and procedures. Modern CNC-Machines (i.e. Mill-Turn-Machines) are highly productive, however they are very demanding in terms of preparation and application. A prerequisite for the successful use of new technologies is therefore the simultaneous adaptation of the organization together with the opportunity to include the storage und retrieval of necessary operational information. The additionally required knowledge can subsequently be included in the operational procedures and made available for each necessary task. This avoids the situation that instructions allocated regarding equipment and tooling are flawed or incomplete resulting in the interruption of the production.

Supplying the Right Information

Newly Purchased equipment is supplied with specific information for its usage (i.e. cutting data with tools). This Information is however found in the supplier specific (i.e. maximum allowed diameter of a fine boring tool). Before the new acquisition can be utilized, the data must be integrated in the company orientated specific task format. (i.e. The exact setup values for a required fine boring tool). Furthermore, this information must be made available to all participating work areas. (i.e. the exact adjusted diameter must be made known to the NC programming and tool store departments). Processed company information is then made available as general or as specific part data instructions (i.e. appropriate cutting values for a particular tools usage with a specified material) and must be managed and integrated within a workflow to prevent valuable production capacity is lost or tool life is reduced due to unsuitable cutting data.

Make Information Available.

Tool and production data is managed within a company database and in a specific format. For this purpose a software application is utilized so that information can be accessed across all departments and be accessed and used by different people without repeatedly registering duplicate data. So that the data can be utilized by various other software applications (i.e. CAM-Systems, tool pre-setters, shop floor logistics), suitable interfaces are integrated to secure a smooth, seamless workflow. Central data management reduces errors and stoppages in production.

Planning and Preparation

To plan a machine schedule and preparing tools for a night shift, purchasing consumable articles or a decision for a new requisition requires the necessary sufficient information. The structured administration of all data pertaining to tools makes it possible to access pertinent information and relevant data within a short term.

Necessity of a solution

The importance of exchanging information between operational areas varies according to each type of company. Generally it can be said, that missing or unclear information means that sources of errors are made transparent through loss of capacity, delays and inefficient work flow. Manual interfaces and information passed on by word of mouth are without doubt potential error sources and obstacles for new employees. The more people that are involved in the production process; the necessity and importance of binding instructions and clear cut procedures become clearer. Activities that are to be frequently carried out must of organized just as efficiently as a seldom duty. Especially important are binding specifications that are involved in complex working situations to reduce the chance of machine damages as well as the risks involved with defective deliveries.