Thursday, October 20, 2011

Leak Detection Tools And Equipments

If you usually see moisture or water occurring around you then there is a big chance of a water leakage around you. And this can cost you a lot if not rectified immediately. But identifying exact location of them may be very tough task sometimes, as they are not visible by the naked eyes and are hidden behind the walls or floors. But now with the advancement of tools and equipments, it is become possible to do leak detection very effectively.

There are various equipments which can help in detecting the leaks:

Dish Soap:

This tool is very efficient for detecting and locating the simple leaks. It is the first choice of most of the professional plumbers, especially while installing new pipes they often use this to check for any leaks. The process of applying dish soap is very simple just you have to paint all joints with foams of dish soap. If any leak is present in the pipe then after water flows it will produce some bubbles at the particular location where exactly leak has occurred.

Pressure Gauges:

It is also a useful tool for detecting any water leak. You have to attach this tool to the outdoor faucet and make it on to check the pressure of water. Measuring the pressure will let you know that the water coming to your house is having the appropriate pressure or not. If the pressure is low than what it should be then there must be a leakage problem in your house and you must have to call some professionals for detecting and fixing it.

UV Dye and UV detecting Light:

This is also one of the very effective methods to detect leaks. Before using this method you must stop the water supply and dispense UV dye down mixture to the area which you wanted to test. After doing this again start the water supply. If any leak is present in the pipeline then dye will be pushed from the cracks and bad connections. And you can see this through the UV detection lights.

Water Detection Devices:

These kind tools are also very useful in detecting any leaks; you may use them anywhere around sump pumps, water heaters, toilets, under sinks, etc. The main procedure of this leak detection device is that whenever water comes into contact with the device it generates a sound alarm which notifies that water is leaking from your pipe.

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