Friday, June 22, 2012

Metal Cutting Band Saw Safety Tips

Man has been in the business of making tools to make life easier for him and one of the tools that has been faithful to this mandate is a metal cutting band saw.

If you are considering doing some metal cutting or metalworking and think all you need to do is get a metal cutting band saw, say a horizontal band saw, you are right to the point of knowing that your best bet in getting the job done is in getting a metal band saw, but there are other stuffs you need to have at the back of your mind.

Metals come in different shapes, sizes and density or should I say thickness so cutting them requires you have certain knowledge and skill set. This is important as attempting to cut any metal without knowing this could lead to fatal consequences.

That said and done, things you need to know before attempting to cut a metal include as inferred above the nature of different metal types and how they are cut, the equipment and accessories you will need to cut them and to do this safely.

Understanding the features of any metal you want to work on is necessary. If you are attempting to make use of a horizontal band saw for example, you need to be aware of the fact that it can make use of different blades and each blade is made to work on particular metal types. A blade, which is made for working on aluminum will not be good for stainless steel since aluminum, which it was made to work on is less dense compared to stainless steel and will therefore not carry out a good job.

Another important concern that you should have is how you wish to work on the metals, what cuts do you like to make on these metals? This is essential as you should know what type of metal cutting band saw machine is needed to cut the metal you want to work on. Horizontal band saw for example is primarily used in straight-line sawing.

Also a safety precaution you must take, when attempting to cut a metal as this is not wood, is ensuring you make use of the vice the band saw came with. Neglecting to make use of this accessory can lead to serious harm on your part and of those close to you while working. If this device is faulty make sure you get it fixed in order to avoid this problem.

The reason for using a vice while working with metal is because of the resistance that is experienced as metal meets with metal when using a metal cutting band saw. This makes the metal to glide over the saw and accidents do happen, if you know what I mean. You should also make sure you put on safety glasses for your eyes to protect them from metal fragments and wear leather gloves.

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