Monday, December 23, 2013

How to Use a Tool and Cutter Grinder

A tool and cutter grinder is used to sharpen the edges of tools that have gone dull. The tool and cutter grinder is not a toy and takes special care and training in order to operate correctly. The tool and cutter grinder is also a rather large machine found in machine shops. It is recommended to take your tools to a professional to grind and sharpen them. The following article will explain how a professional operates a tool and cutter grinder machine.

Step 1 - Prime the Machine

It is always a good idea to turn the tool and cutter grinder on to warm it up. A cold grinder will create rough cuts while a warm or hot grinder disc will produce the best result. Allow the tool and cutter grinder to run for several minutes before taking tool to the grinding disc.

Step 2 - Safety Precautions

Just looking at the tool and cutter grinder suggests a medieval torture device. There are a lot of moving parts, guides and rails to worry about as well as the grinding disc itself. Always wear heavy work gloves when using the machine. You also need to wear safety goggles. The grinding disc is typically abrasive and made with diamonds. When grinder begins to sharpen the tool it can cause small fragments of the tool, the disc or sparks to fly toward your face. Getting any of these superheated fragments in your eye can be very dangerous.

Step 3 - Examine the Tool

Not all tools are made the same and it is important to examine the tool you are about to use the tool and grinder cutter on. You are looking for the angle of the tool, including which way the blade is curved, how the edges are cut and the contact points. This is incredibly important because to properly use the tool and cutter grinder you need to know what direction the tool needs to go. If you fail to do this, you can severely damage the tool you are trying to bring back to life.

Step 4 - Using the Tool and Cutter Grinder

Double check all of your safety areas and examine your clearance. The kind of tool you are using will determine what the settings need to be. For this information you should always consult the instruction manual that came with the machine you have access to. Not every tool and cutter grinder is the same when it comes to this. Turn the machine on and keep a safe distance from the grinding disc. Remember the curvature of the tool you are sharpening and place it against the grinding disc at the appropriate angle. A knife, for example, would be approximately 45 degrees. Use short movements and firm pressure until you are satisfied it is sharp.

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